Transferring from a college that you’ve spent the past two years of your life at is a huge transition, but transferring and taking time from school off is just as big of a transition. It’s weird at first to take time off, but it’s even weirder knowing that you’re not returning to your old college when you go back to school. There are several misconceptions about what it’s like to take a semester or year off of school, but here’s the truth from my experience.
1. People always ask if you’ll be behind in school.
While this can sometimes be true, I took a full 15 hours over the summer semester, so I won’t be behind on hours as long as I go back to school in January. Besides, it’s not that big of a deal if someone will be behind on hours because they can always catch up later on.
2. You might question your major or career path.
After transferring out of my old university, I definitely questioned changing my major and career path. Questioning your major or not fully knowing what you want to do is completely okay.
3. You’ll constantly get asked where you’ll be returning to school.
Tons of my friends and family have asked where I’m going to school in January, and I’m not completely sure. I’m still waiting to hear back from schools and I’m enjoying this breather I have from stressing about assignments and exams for a bit.
4. It’s not always stress-free and relaxing.
Although I’m taking this semester off, it definitely hasn’t been completely relaxing or easy. I've got a full-time job until I go back to school, and the anxiety of choosing a school is just as stressful as being in school.
5. You’ll start to miss school.
Or you won’t. Personally, I’ve started to miss going to class and seeing my friends. My old university had bid day a few weeks ago and it was exciting to see pictures, but it was also sad to not be there since I’ve transferred.
6. You may or may not find out who you really are.
I’ve always heard of people taking time off from school to find themselves, but I haven’t found that yet. I work almost 40 hours a week, so sometimes it’s hard to find time to do things for myself and find out who I truly am.
Although taking time off from school might not be what it sounds like, I don’t regret it. I’ve become happier than I was at my old school and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Yeah it’s stressful to think that I have to go back to school in a few months, but these school-free weeks have been worth it so far. I’ve had time to really think about what I want to do with my life and consider many schools to finish school at. It’s not all fun and games when you take a semester or year of school off, but it’s definitely something to consider if you need a break from exams and assignments.