Ah, the last few weeks of summer. It's that time of year where you’re either sad about summer fun ending, and/or excited about going back to college and seeing all your friends again. As I start preparing to go back to school and starting my sophomore year, here are a list of things I learned during my freshman year that will come in handy for some incoming freshmen!
1. Don't skip class!
Don’t do it! Not unless you REALLY need to! I know it’s tough to get up in the morning and get to class, especially if you don’t live on campus like me, but getting to class is extremely important! You might think that if you read the textbook and power points you’ll be set, but let’s be real, that only works about 20 percent of the time. Professors are tricky with lectures so they might mention things that are not on the slides or in the textbook, but somehow they manage to put it on quizzes or exams. They are usually okay with you being absent as long as you notify them on time and have a valid excuse but make sure it’s necessary to skip. So unless you’re dying, get to class!
2. Never cram before an exam!
You think "yeah it’s fine, I used to do this in high school! I can definitely do it in college!" Uh, no you can’t! Doesn't work like that. In college, the material you learn in class contains much more detail and it all needs time and dedication if you want to get a good grade. It is so much information to try to remember that you’ll fry your brain if you try to cram. So when a professor announces an exam, start studying about a week before. That way, you have enough time to get through all of the material you need to study.
3. Naps will become your best friend.
Let’s be real, you’re never going to get enough sleep at night because you’ll be up doing work or just goofing off with your friends. Then, during the day you'll struggle to keep your eyes open. Keep in mind, sleep is precious, especially now in college. Whenever you have a long break in between classes, take a nap. This is perfectly acceptable, and I promise you that most of your friends are probably doing the same. Just be careful not to let it turn into a 5-hour nap where you sleep through a class. Sleep just long enough so you'll feel refreshed, but still be able to fall asleep at a decent time at night.
4. Don’t take on more than you can handle.
There are a lot of fun things to do around campus. Between joining clubs, intramural sports, choirs and student councils opportunities are endless. It’s good to get involved, of course, but make sure you don’t involve yourself to the point of not having time to keep up with your schoolwork or having time for yourself. Don't bite off more than you can chew!
5. You will have breakdowns!
Schoolwork will overwhelm you to the point of tears. You will begin to contemplate whether or not this is really what you want to do for the rest of your life- but trust me, take a breather and find someone to talk to! There are plenty of resources on campus that are more than willing to help you with this type of situation. Just remember that no matter how many tears you shed, and no matter how many rants you will have, they will all pay off in the end.
6. Have fun!
Throughout this new stage in your life, remember to be yourself. Go out and have fun! Yes, I know you would rather stay in and binge watch Grey’s Anatomy, but spending time with friends and meeting new people will be so much better in the long run! Make the best of your college years, because these will make for some of the best memories to look back on. When you balance out your work time, fun time and relaxation time, you will be itching for move-in day before summer break even roles around. You can get good grades and have fun at the same time. Try not to worry too much. These next several years are going to be incredible. Just make the most of them!