1. You probably will not stay friends with the people you meet during the first week
You are going to meet a bunch of new people, starting the second you step foot on campus. In that first week, you will find a group of people who become your first group of friends. You will start to make memories, create inside jokes, and spend just about every waking moment with them. As you move through the school year, you might find yourself drifting away from them. At the time it will probably feel like the end of the world, but trust me, that change opens you up to meeting even more people. It gives you the chance to get to know the people you did not even know existed.
2. Even though you have heard horror stories, it is possible for you and your roommate to get along (and even become friends)
Walking into a room and being expected to live with someone you have never actually met in person can be slightly terrifying. Just because your cousin complained about her experience in a residence hall, does not mean your experience will be awful as well.
You and your roommate are fully capable of getting along. Who knows? You two might end up becoming friends and spend way too much time bingeing Netflix.
3. High school did not help me prepare good study habits
There are days where all you want is to eat a home-cooked meal. Others you just want to sit in your living room with or without other people because it is familiar. Other days, you do not even know what you want, you just know it involves your family. You are expected to be an adult, and sometimes you are not 100% sure what the even means, but maybe your parents do.