1) Can I reschedule?
What? I'm sorry, after rearranging my entire schedule and going crazy making the perfect amount of questions, tracking you down, and setting up a date and you want to reschedule? Sure, because I have no other choice, and need this information for my article.
2) The sound of silence... AKA people who do not respond to emails/voicemails/pleading responses for an interview
Respond to your email! or voicemail/text-message....I do not get why in this day and age there are people who do not respond to their emails or any other form of communication. You are the reason for my stress, you know exactly who you are.
3) Oh so you're a journalism major... You aren't going to be making much.
Yes, someone did say this to my face! If I liked being a doctor, then yes I would be a doctor. But that is not what I like doing. I like writing, I like finding out information--despite the amount of stress it causes me. Yes, I have gotten sleepless nights because of interviews, and writing and what not--but when a story works out, it can be a great feeling. Most of the time. But I swear, I love this. Even though as I am writing this I am stressed because of another interview. But when I am finished with that, it will be great.
4) Wow, looks like you're going to be getting a job writing fake news!
Yes, sadly someone said this to me. Second of all, please stop! Do you think I went through the hell that I am going through and the debt just to write crap buzz feed level articles with information that isn't even real? No. No, I did not. Goodbye.
5) Anything about deadlines
You think you have time, and suddenly you do not... It creeps up on you and kicks you in the butt, let me tell you. One day you're living fine, and the next freaking out making sure everything is perfect and tracking down your MIA sources and gaps in your story.
6) Haven't you had enough coffee?