Sometimes we can all use a pick-me-up, and all we need is a little motivation and inspiration to get us back on track. These are just some wise quotes to get you through the week. Every college student needs some inspiration every once in a while.
1. Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. was the most important voice of the American civil rights movement that worked for equal rights for all. His "I have a dream" speech still is inspirational today especially for equal treatment of everyone.
2. Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs wasn't a designer or an engineer. He was one of the greatest users of technology of all time and that made a huge difference.
3. Mahatma Gandi
Mahatma Gandi was one of the greatest heroes, as well as a political and spiritual leader of India.
4. Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa was beloved for her work in helping the less fortunate. She was known for always being generous, kind, and compassionate.
5. Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison created the electric light bulb and the phonograph.
6. John F. Kennedy
John Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States of America and a World War II hero.