With all of our responsibilities in our crazy, busy lives, it’s hard to avoid getting stressed out. But it’s important to remember to relax and give yourself a break every once in awhile. And I don't mean exhausting every form of social media or going out for a night on the town. Here are a few healthy ways to let off some steam that I’ve found to work.
1. Exercise
The endorphins that are released during exercise can provide you with a happier and more joyous feeling. Whether it’s going for a walk in the park with your dog, an hour of yoga, a nature hike, or a six-mile run, exercise can help clear your head. Sometimes it may even help you propose a solution to those thoughts and worries that have been building up in your mind. Completing your exercise routine can also provide you with a sense of accomplishment and pride.
2. Write
The feelings that we experience and the emotions that we go through can often be overwhelming. Although the thought of keeping a diary or journal can sound a bit elementary, writing down your thoughts can be extremely beneficial. Seeing your own words on a piece of paper can help you organize your thoughts and even bring a feeling of relief. It’s almost as if you are transferring all of your worries to that one piece of paper. It could be a diary entry, a “to-do” list, or even a drawing. Take some time out of your day, every once in awhile, to organize your thoughts on paper.
3. Cook
For some people, cooking can bring about similar feelings of satisfaction as exercise. The idea of creating something from scratch, entirely on your own, gives you a feeling of capability and achievement. Cooking allows for one to express creativity in another form of art. Not to mention that you’re probably making something delicious to enjoy too!
4. Talk to a friend

Sometimes all you need is the company of a good friend. Studies have shown that people who are more sociable and around more people are in fact, happier than those who are constantly alone. There’s nothing like sharing time with people who truly understand you and whose same sense of humor you share. Laughter truly is the best medicine.
5. Read a book for fun

Especially for those who are in school, it is almost impossible to read a book for fun anymore. Between homework assignments and essay prompts, we forget that we had actually enjoyed reading books at one point. Finding a book that suits your interest can actually be more interesting than whatever Netflix show you’re obsessed with at the moment. Books allow your imagination to run wild, exercising your brain and engaging in complex thought processes.
6. Meditate
Yes, meditate and no, you don’t have to be a hippie or a yogi to do it. Take some time to appreciate the beauty of nature and your surroundings. Find a relaxing, quiet place to just sit and breathe. In through the nose and out through the mouth. It has been told that deep breathing helps with blood circulation and posture, as your chest expands as your lungs fill with air. You’d be surprised how effective just taking deep breaths can be, and the best part-- it’s free!
Next time you feel like the world is closing in on you, try one of these simple, easy and effective ways to relieve some stress. Good luck!