You know what really grinds my gears?
Those rascal scooters that people just HAVE to drive all over Disney World. And not to mention the people who bring a one-month-old baby, and still describe it as "their first trip." No – that is not even 1GB of memory.
I could go on and on, and I'm going to. We've all had those days where every little tiny thing annoys the absolute H-E-double hockey sticks out of you. So I have done you, readers, the honor of compiling together a list of things that commonly annoy most people (or people who just get annoyed easily, like me).
1. People who complain too much
But seriously, people who complain too much get on my nerves. Sometimes you just want to squeeze someone's head extremely hard and scream "SHUT UP," when every sentence out of their mouth is negative. Don't kill my buzz, Nancy.
2. Slow walkers, drivers, breathers... ANYTHING relatively slow
I am a busy woman. Every day I have something new to do, and I'm usually in a time crunch. I don't have time for people who drive 10 miles under the speed limit because they're texting their BFF Jill.
Get out of my way. Just move over. I have places to go and people to see. K thanks bye.
3. Screaming children
But there is absolutely no reason as to why I have to listen to your child cry because they can't get a toy or you won't let them play with your phone. THAT is where discipline comes into play, my friends.
4. People who talk when I'm trying to read
What really grinds my gears is when I am studying and people talk to me. Not being a butthead, but seriously, if you see someone studying just let them study and catch them after class. It would be appreciated.
5. People who chew too loudly
6. To add on to #5, people who BREATHE too loudly
Well, there you have it. I hope others can relate to what annoys me because sometimes we all have one of those days. Maybe this will brighten yours.