Oh... the end of the semester.
Time is winding down, but the work is just beginning.
And with assignments increasing and motivation decreasing, it can be hard to realize the good that is coming your way.
1. Seeing your family more often.
Mom? Dad? It's your daughter. Back again! Remember me?!
2. Focusing more on others instead of yourself.
Did someone say gift buying? Secret Santa, I'm ready for YOU.
3. The FOOD.
Turkey? Mashed potatoes? Holiday cookies? You name it, and chances are I will be eating it.
4. The first snowfall.
Lucky for us CT folks, this one is already checked off and in the books! Sledding, anyone?
5. Parka season.
It's in full effect, baby! And when it's parka season, scarves, uggs, gloves, and winter hats, follow. And truly,the more opportunities there are to bundle, the better!
6. Thanksgiving and winter break.
Ah, freedom at last. Home friends? GATHER! It's our time to shine.
* * *
Oh trust me, I know you want this semester to end. And, at times, it can feel long. But really, take the good with the bad, because this semester will be over before we know it. And who knows, the people you're encountering, the experiences you're living, in the end, you could miss it. Next semester could be oh so different.