Bitterness could be contagious, but so can kindness. There are so many different ways to help someone out. Whether that be holding a door open or smiling at someone, you really could make someones day in the littlest of ways. We could all use a whole lot more love and laughter in our lives and here are some ways that we can make that happen.
1. Write them a letter.
Easy right? You can just pop one in the mail or throw it on their doorstep and I can guarantee it will leave someone smiling. Besides, nothing will make someone happier than getting something other than bills in the mail.
2. Actually, pay attention during a conversation.
I know, that may have sounded sassy. However, when you really think about it, it could be difficult to fully pay attention with technology constantly interrupting our lives. Take a second and make it a point to fully engage and listen in conversation, you won't regret.
3. When you see something you like about a person, tell them.
4. Keep kindness in mind all day long.
5. Ask someone how they are doing and genuinely mean it.
We throw the term, "how are you?" around like it means nothing. So when you hang out with your friends, ask them how they are and mean it. Listen when they tell you about their day and just let them let you in on their life a little bit. Everyone needs true friendship in their life, this is one day of doing so.
6. Let someone know you are thinking of them and praying for them.
We all do this in the face of tragedy. Yet, we can seriously do this regardless of what we are facing. If someone is having a good day, say a prayer for them anyway. What could this hurt? Take a chance, people.
There you have it, a few ways to make those around you smile a whole lot more. You can and will make this world a brighter place so ignore everyone who says you can't.
Choose joy, my friends. You can and will begin to see things change if you make the decision to decide to choose joy and love in the midst of any circumstance.