School is out and summer is here, just like last summer I have returned home until school starts again. However, unlike last year, this time I am unemployed (my parents really love that part). To keep myself entertained before I go back to school and work in August, I've created a list of things that I want to do over the next 2 months that are (pretty much) free.
1. Deep clean
I need to clean. I need to clean my room, my car, my life -- all of it. Since I have LITERALLY not a thing to hold me back or distract me, I should be able to do this. I plan to donate a lot of stuff from my room that I realized I don’t need.
2. Blaze through my Netflix list
I definitely watched Netflix during the school year but now I can watch things without the guilt of an upcoming assignment. Also I can multitask and watch movies or shows WHILE I clean. Some things on my list are The Fall and Malcolm in the Middle.
3. Visit friends
Half of my friends live in the upstate and the other half live by the beach, meanwhile little old me is sitting in the middle, alone. Luckily with all of my free time I will be able to go see friends and keep in touch over the break.
4. Exercise?
Yeah the question mark is there for a reason, will I do it? Who knows.
5. Learn to cook
In my article, "9 Things I've Learned In College" I noted that I do NOT know how to cook. Now, with a family to cook for I’m hoping to work on my skills so I can feed myself this next year.
6. Get some vitamin D
I want to spend more time outside this summer since I have been stuck inside studying or working over the past year. Hopefully I can get a gentle (not burned) glow in the process.
All of these things can we done for virtually no money and I hope that I can get through all of the items on my list.