6 Freak-Out Situations Every College Student Knows | The Odyssey Online
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6 Freak-Out Situations Every College Student Knows

Cheers to the all-nighters, forgotten assignments, and unset alarm clocks.

6 Freak-Out Situations Every College Student Knows

Take a deep breath.

5 classes.
15 class hours.
3 meetings.
3 office hours.
2 articles.


Service projects.
Group projects.
Volunteer work.

Just breathe.

Social life.

I can’t breathe.

Mind is racing. Breaths are getting shorter. Heart is beating fast.
Must be an anxiety attack.

This feeling—though very common—is not enjoyable by any means. It’s like you just ran 6 miles, yet you haven’t even taken a step. Trapped inside your mind, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed even though the semester is just beginning.

Syllabus week may seem pretty chill, but when you take a second to look at the course calendar, deadlines are staring back at you. Not to mention the extra-curricular activities, job, and organizations that take up mostly all of your free time.

Even the most laid-back person would have a freak out moment looking at everything all at once. It’s so important to take a breath, get a planner, and take everything one day at a time.

But since we’re all going to freak out several times before final exams approach us, here are some all too familiar experiences we will welcome back with not-so-open arms:

  1. “That was due TODAY?”
    We all know this one. You walk into class, not a care in the world, when all of a sudden, you notice an assignment neatly placed on everyone’s desk—except yours, of course. Panic starts to ensue. You ask the kind girl sitting next to you why everyone is turning something in (because you know the first assignment isn’t due until next class period), and she politely ruins your day because, well, you were wrong.
  2. Pop quizzes.

    And the heart palpitations begin. Screw you, Dr. Life Ruiner.
  3. Bonus points for attendance—when you weren’t there.

    *face palm* Of course, the one day you don’t go to class, the professor decides to actually do something relevant, like give 5 free bonus points for listening to him rant about his ex wife. COOL.
  4. The teacher’s pet.

    You know who I’m talking about. The person who reminds the professor to take up assignments 5 minutes before class ends. Every time his/her hand goes up, it’s game over.
  5. The {almost} forgotten assignmentYou’ve been busting your butt all week and think you deserve a night out. You have a few drinks, go out with your friends, and then all of a sudden… BOOM. You remember you have an assignment due before class tomorrow. Run, friend. Run.

    And my personal favorite...
  6. Oversleeping.Nothing quite gets your blood pumping like waking up at 10:57 for your 11 am class. Scrambling to brush your teeth, hop into your pants both legs at one time, and avoid getting the most expensive ticket of your life, you walk into class over 20 minutes late. All eyes are on you, and that awkward smile creeps on your face.

Life is hard, man. Stress is never ending, but you are not alone. We’re all taking turns driving—and occasionally crashing—the struggle bus. It will be okay, though. Just hold out for the weekends, breaks, and no-show professors to get you through the semester. However, nothing compares to the feeling when you’re on the verge of tears, and you check your email to find a “class is cancelled” message from your professor.

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