The long summer nights are about to be traded for long hours spent in the library (sorry for because the new school year is almost here! Most college students are excited to get back to their friends, freedom, and the endless possibilities of the new year. You know what I'm talking about. You go to school with all these expectations, and you make it a goal that "this will be the year that *fill in the blank* happens." I may or may not be speaking from experience, but typically, every great expectation comes a harsh reality.
1. Relationships
Expectation: "I'm going to get a boyfriend, and I'll finally feel like my 'Wedding' Pinterest board isn't totally useless."
Reality: A boy will text you for two days, and then you'll find out he moved on to that really hot girl in your Spanish class.
2. Working Out
Expectation: "I'm going to work out everyday and lose all the weight I gained freshman year."
Reality: You will form a very close relationship with your couch.
3. Having Fun
Expectation: "I'm not going to be boring like last year. I'm going to attend every social gathering that I'm invited to and meet tons of new people."
Reality: The weekend will roll around, and you'll just want to do absolutely nothing. Netflix and leave me alone, am I right?
4. Eating Right
Expectation: "No more late night runs to Canes with the girls. I'll eat nothing but grilled chicken and vegetables."
Reality: You'll be studying at 2 a.m. and just decide "screw it."
5. Studying
Expectation: "I will start studying for my tests a week in advance so that I'm not cramming."
Reality: You'll convince yourself it's not that much material, start studying the day before, and have ten emotional breakdowns before midnight.
6. Spending Money
Expectation: "I've got to start saving money. No more buying clothes I don't need, and no more going out to eat."
Reality: You'll get your paycheck, and all of a sudden you think you're a baller.
Even if this next school year doesn't go as planned, that's OK. I mean really, when does anything in a college student's life go the way it's supposed to? Have goals and work hard towards them, but remember to just go with the flow and enjoy your year because it'll be over before you know it!