We all have experienced a weird dream here or there, but what do they mean? Here is a list of 6 of the most common dreams and what they could possibly mean. Although, interpreting what your dreams may mean is a very abstract thing. Some may say one thing and others may say something entirely different. But maybe, just maybe, if you find out why you're dreaming about these weird things, you will know how to stop them from reoccurring!
Here are some of the most common dreams and their most common meanings:
1. Teeth Falling Out
This dream can mean many things. According to the Sigmund Freud, this dream refers to "anxiety about sexual repression and the desire to be nurtured." This dream will often show up when the dreamer is in the middle of a time of transition in their life. Yet, others believe that this dream can point to your fear of embarrassment or an exaggeration of your worries.Some negative meanings can be insecurities mostly about personal loss, the fear of becoming older, feeling powerlessness and a need to be more assertive. Some positive meanings can be a sort of "rebirth" or a time of renewal such as personal growth or nurturing yourself more carefully.
2. Being Chased
This dream can occur to you if you're feeling overworked, anxious or paranoid about something. These dream mirror the way you have been dealing with conflict in your waking life. This dream could also be symbolism for your own feelings. The thing chasing you could be your feelings of anger, jealousy, fear and even love.A negative meaning of this dream in your waking life could be that you are being pressured in your relationship. A positive meaning could be that this dream is attempting to encourage you to face a problem that's been hanging over your for quite some time now.
3. Showing Up Late
Negative meanings of this dream could be that you're feeling pressure to make a decision or feel regret over a missed opportunity. Positive meanings could be that you have new opportunities presenting themselves to you in life but you don't know what which decision is the right one for you.
4. Showing Up Naked
Many experts agree that this dream is a representation of your vulnerability and anxiety. Wallace said that it is “common to people who have accepted a promotion, gone off to a new job, or who are coming into public view.”
Some negative meanings could be that you feel insecure, you might be afraid that your thoughts or recent actions will be exposed to peers or you could be feeling ashamed. A positive meaning of this dream could be that you finally bared your soul to someone or you're being honest with yourself about something.
5. Falling
This dream is the most common dream anyone experiences in their lifetime. It usually means that you have lost some sort of control in your every day life that you should probably fix. But, if you are experiencing this sort of falling sensation before you are fully asleep, it can also be a hypnagogic jerk (hypnic jerk). This will usually occur when a person is drifting off and is stressed, depressed, anxious, or had caffeine in the evening. Either way, it appears that you need to confront some things in your life.Negative meanings could be your perspective of something is not living up to what you want it to, you're putting yourself in danger, you fear failure, or you are just overwhelmed. Positive could be that there was something that changed in your life or will change in your life. While you might be worried about it, this change could be a good thing.
6. Not Being Able To Talk
Revisiting the wise Ian Wallace, this dream can often mirrors an unresolved tension in your every day life. You may be feeling ignored or feel like you do not have any way to make your opinions be heard in a way that matters.Negative meanings of this dream could be that no matter what you do, you cannot get yourself to be heard in real life or you are being muted my someone close to you. A sort of positive take on this dream could be the fact that you know that you want to be heard so you can try harder when it come to your actual life. It can also mean that you are spreading yourself too thin, so you can use this dream to tell yourself it is time to check out your priorities.