Being able to attend an all girls school was one of the biggest blessings in my life. But the transition from that to a huge public university was definitely a struggle but life's not easy right?
1. Realizing That Not Everyone Is Religious (or just knows about religion)
Even though I am not a practicing Catholic I went to catholic school my whole life so I know when it's Ash Wednesday. But I definitely knew I was not at my catholic high school when I said to my friends, "OMG guys its Ash Wednesday today" I can tell you I have never gotten more have never gotten more blank stares in my life. It was even better when my friend asked me "what are the ashes made of? Bodies?". Or the one night when I forcibly read the creation story to my roommate because she has never heard it before.
2. Putting Makeup on Everyday
I am a huge believer that everyone is beautiful all the time and makeup is not necessary however I do wear it often in college. Sometimes in college sleep is not your friend and sadly I don't want to look like the hobo I did in high school. The fact that I get up ever morning and put makeup on my face that I usually mess up is the worst. Looking like a hobo was where I truly thrived.
3. Picking out Clothes = Biggest Struggle of My Life
I can not be more serious when I say picking out clothes will be the death of me. I actually sit in front of my dresser and think "what the hell am I going to wear today". Being able to wake up five seconds before I left for school knowing that I will wear exactly the same ratty old uniform I've been wearing for the past four years was the best feeling in the world.
4. Boys Boys Boys
They are the MOST confusing thing on the planet and I feel those two GIFs really put my two main feelings about them together. Yes, is it the best thing to walk into a class and see a beautiful person. But then I'm just so confused by them not all I will say, but most. I would have truly appreciated a class in highschool like "How to Understand Boys 101".
5. Finding New Friends Who Love Food As Much As Me
6. Not Having My Sisters