Now that it's finally almost summer (at least for the college students), and there's now going to be an empty void of time which used to be filled with school and homework, you need to use this free time wisely: finally start reading those books you've put off the whole year, and start bingeing that show you weren't able to focus on before. Here are some of my recommendations of great Summer books/shows to binge if you need some entertainment while soaking in some rays.
1. Any book by Liane Moriarty:
I've read a few of Liane Moriarty's books, and I would recommend each that I've read. Liane is an Australian author, who writes mostly about normal families, couples with children, fairly average folks. Her stories usually incorporate some sort of twist, conflict, multiple view points, and intricate plot lines that all seem to connect, and usually have realistic elements of psychology and relationships as well. Her writing is clear, concise, and easy to read while still being enjoyable on a literary level. Enjoy her books lounging by the pool--once you read one, you'll have to read her rest.
2. "The Couple Next Door" by Shari Lapena
For those who like psychological thrillers, who are sick of hearing Gillian Flynn recommended to them, here's a hopefully new suggestion that will be perfect for you. This book engulfed me from page one, and the voice of the main character seemed to be speaking so naturally; it felt like it must have had to be a true story. This book involves a couple who goes over their neighbors' for dinner, only to be shocked when they find their baby missing from home when they return. I won't say anymore, but it is definitely worth the read.
3. "Bad Feminist" by Roxane Gay 
Feeling some non-fiction reads? Also trying embrace your inner feminist? Try Roxanne's Gay's "Bad Feminist" to analyze this author's views on what it means to be a woman and a feminist in today's society.
4. "Breaking Bad"
This is one of my all time favorite shows. I recommend it to so many people, and usually their response is that they would have to pay attention to it and wouldn't have the time, rather than throwing on something that they could watch in the background while doing homework or chores, etc. Well, now that's it's summer, you have the free time to be able to finally pay attention! And this show is worth it, I promise. With outstanding acting, script, cinematography, music, and overall plot, I can’t find another show that exceeds "Breaking Bad."
5. "Rick and Morty"
You’ve probably heard all about this show, and are wondering-- is it overhyped? In my opinion, it’s not. Although I appreciate the first two seasons more than the newest released 3rd season, I still find the show enjoyable, and thoroughly encourage watching at least those first two seasons. This show is an escape from some more of the serious tones in some other non-cartoon shows, yet the celver undertones and interesting plot lines make Rick ad Morty something a little more complex than other cartoon shows.
6. "Black Mirror"
You've also probably heard a lot about this show as well, especially given it's recent release of a newest season. I can honestly say, this is one of my favorite shows of all time, and another that you need to pay attention to in order to truly enjoy, hence why summer is a perfect time for it. Whats great about this show, besides its interesting psychologically thrilling, science fiction gone wrong plots, or its incredible acting and cinematography, the show can be watched in random order. However, I suggest skipping the very first episode on Netflix and come back to it later, because it doesn't, in my opinion, give a fair representation about how amazing the rest of the show really is. My favorite episodes? "Hang the DJ," "NoseDive," "Black Bear," "ArkAngel," and "Be Right Back."
Those are my recommendations for now! So what are you waiting for...start bingeing!