6 Binge-Worthy Shows on Netflix
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6 Binge-Worthy Shows on Netflix

Winter is Coming and it's Time to Binge

6 Binge-Worthy Shows on Netflix

Around this time of year, unless you live south of the equator, we find ourselves locked up indoors more frequently. Its cold, its probably wet or snowing, and our feet need at least two pairs of socks.

So, in case you didn't get the memo people who are still wearing shorts, that's right... Winter is coming.

Its time for noses with frostbite and stiff shower hair, making us feel more like Game of Throne's Jon Snow north of the wall. But not to worry! I've put together a list of amazing TV shows to help you brave the cold. Could this be the true purpose of Netflix and chill?

Here are 6 different TV shows and series available on Netflix that are binge-worthy this season. Check them out, love them, spend hours in front of the TV or computer and DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT IT. With possibly a below freezing windchill coming your way, you deserve this!


Season(s): 2

Genre: Sci-Fi, Action

So, this show I started a while back and never got to finishing it. And let me just say why. The show started off slow. The plot was slow moving. But the cast and the concept is brilliant. A space crew wakes up one by one with no memory on board a space ship after years of being asleep in pods. They slowly - and I mean slowly - start figuring out their purpose and why they were selected. All the while floating deep in space.

Oh and guess who guest stars?

RUBY ROSE. That's right. Our favorite Orange is the New Black breakout actress. I can't get enough of her. She's gorgeous and badass at the same time. Like how?! I would almost recommend just skipping to the episodes where she comes in but you would miss a lot. So instead just remind yourself while watching season one of Dark Matter that soon you will be graced with Ruby Rose's intergalactic presence.


Season(s): 3

Genre: Period-Piece, Drama

This isn't your typical BBC sponsored series. Peaky Blinders is set in 1920's Birghimham, England, centered around a gangster family close to the collapse of what they've built. Tommy Shelby, our lead crime boss, has to help his family while falling for a double spy and being blackmailed for murder.

Oh and did I mention there are some serious gang face-offs too? Look at this beautiful family. Real bonding right there.

Honestly I can't get enough of this show. It's in a similar realm like Game of Thrones, with sex, crime, murder and unpredictable twists. Our main boy Shelby is sarcastic, stressed, passionate and gorgeous. Plus, he loves and protects his family, and he's had a gun pointed at him more than one person can count. Talk about fearless.


Source: Google

Season(s): 3

Genre: Sci-fi, Drama

Black Mirror, in my opinion is an under-appreciated show. Similar concept to American Horror Story, Black Mirror doesn't have to be watched in any specific order. Each episode is like a short film with different characters, however the overall theme of the show is the same. There's currently three seasons; after the first you'll probably be addicted and confused. The whole thing is a detrimental take on what technology could eventually do to us.

Most of the actors are fairly new or unknown in the acting world, however that doesn't necessarily take away from the show. I think one of my favorite episodes has to be "Nosedive."

A story about a girl who lives in a society that is dependent on the ratings they receive from others in order to have access to certain experiences in life. She tries really hard to impress everyone and get her rating up so she can buy a new house, only to end up somewhere unexpected. It was an eye-opener to a real-life problem we have today, however just exaggerated in the episode. It had me fearful and frustrated in the end.

If you're someone who enjoys slightly depressing plots that shed light on real-life problems, Black Mirror is for you. There is some positivity however, in the form of friendship, love and humor. So it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.


Season(s): 5

Genre: Period-Piece, Drama

Starting as a BBC series, Call the Midwife is a light-hearted show in comparison to others on this list. The story is told by an old Jenny Worth, and it revolves around a group of nurses working through a convent as midwives during the time of World War II. Call the Midwife is an adaptation of memoirs and gets an A+ for balancing love with life-changing work.

If you're a fan of hardworking women then this is the show for you. The amount of drama they have to deal with would have me biking fast away from the church... Or maybe just enjoying a cigarette like Sister Bernadette.

Also, the classiness of the show really embodies true BBC. I love Trixie's style and her red lips. If I could keep my cool and rock a perfect blonde bob while drinking a glass of wine after delivering babies all day, I wouldn't be single.


Source: Google

Season(s): 2

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sitcom

Let me just say, I can't get enough of this show. Tina Fey, one of their writers, is a genius. The humor is opposite of dry and is full of inside jokes and one-liners. The characters are all exaggerated versions of real life personalities and Tina Fey herself makes several appearances as written in characters; my favorite, a psychologist living a double life as a drunk.

The whole show centers around Kimmy Schmidt's experiences and introduction to the new world of New York. She comes from a very interesting background; for 15 years she was locked up in a bunker with a handful of other kidnapped girls, part of a cult run buy an attractive pastor (but that's besides the point). Every character is so relatable in some way or another, especially Kimmy, Titus, her gay broadway aspiring roommate, and Mrs. Voorhees, Kimmy's boss.

The best part is, the show is quite diverse. Plus, because it's a Netflix series, the script is open to a lot of innuendos, edgy comedy and dramatic stereotypes.

I highly recommend this show. HIGHLY. If you don't take my word for it, take Titus's.


Season(s): 1

Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Drama, Thriller

Get ready to have your mind blown. At the top of our list, we have a Netflix show that seems to have taken the world by storm. Only just wrapping up their first season, I was completely lost in the story. It's horror, romance, comedy, mystery and fantasy. The show creators are magnificent as is the plot. Stranger Things is like stepping back into time.

The award-winning actress Winona Ryder plays Joyce Bryers, a single mother of two who loses one of her sons. She sets off an investigation with the local Sheriff (some romance once brooding there) that unravels a handful of terrifying mysteries and secrets the government is trying to hide.

It all seems to connect back to a little girl who randomly shows up around the same time Joyce's youngest son Will disappears. And now it's a tangle of supernatural events that create the climax. All the while these teenagers - both Will's friends and their families and older brother - experience coming of age.

What these kids go through is uncanny. But their ability to be positive, like when they find the stash of chocolate pudding in the school cafeteria after breaking in, gives you hope. Hope that everything will be ok in the end.

I have a good feeling that although I've left out a tremendous amount of qualifying shows, you should have enough for this winter. Just don't become allergic to the light, locked up in a room somewhere! Sometimes stepping outside to get a breath of fresh air, even when it's below freezing, is good for you.

Happy December!

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