Snow is falling, hot cocoa is being poured, Christmas lights are glistening and you're sitting there, still single. Do not fret! Being single during the holidays can be wonderful with the right mindset. Here are six benefits of being single during the holidays.
1. You have more time to do whatever you want.
Being single means more time to do whatever you want. Whether that's doing that Pinterest craft you always swore you're going to try, or catching up on all your favorite shows -- you have plenty of time to do whatever you want without a significant other demanding your attention. So go make the most of it!
2. You can eat whatever you want.
Grab that extra cookie! Drink that second cup of eggnog! You don't have to worry about anyone judging you for helping yourself to seconds! Shame is lame! Christmas only comes once a year, so enjoy all that great dessert because the only person you have to impress is yourself!
3. You don't have to buy that special someone a present.
Not only are you saving money, but you're saving yourself the stress of having to figure out what to get a significant other. You don't have to worry about what they want, how much to spend, or anything like that! Instead, you can use that money you would spend and spoil yourself!
4. You don't have to worry about awkward introductions.
You don't have to stress if Grandma will call your new significant other by your ex's name, or if your mom will bring up how much she wants grandchildren. No more stressing about whether any crazy or embarrassing stories from your past will surface. Instead, you get to relax! Being single means enjoying your crazy family without the additional stress.
5. You have all the room you want
First, you don't have to worry about late night texts or conversations. Also, more room in the bed. Yes, snuggling is great. However, now you don't have to worry about squishing together on a bed, or incessant snoring. Instead, you get to sprawl out and have a great night's sleep. Put on your favorite pajamas, grab your cozy blanket, and lay out!
6. You can meet whoever you want under the mistletoe.
Whether you're trying to grab the attention of that cutie from work or trying to re-ignite an old flame, singleness during the holidays means anything can happen, if you want! So go ahead -- meet someone under the mistletoe! Remember, all is fair during the holidays.