Summer usually means spending time alone. After a busy, social school year of constantly seeing people, it's strange to transition into quiet days of solitude. But as unsettling as alone time can be, it's an underappreciated experience with life-changing benefits.
1. You'll get to pursue whatever tickles your fancy.
Outside the influences of a social environment, solitude gives you the opportunity to let your creativity flourish. Always wanted to make a pet rock collection? Secretly into gardening? Alone-time is the perfect opportunity to explore your personal interests and live a life that is uniquely yours.
2. You can be unapologetically you.
Whether we realize it or not, we're constantly editing ourselves for other people. That's why it takes alone time to understand what it means to "be yourself."
When you're not trying to impress anyone, or live up to someone's standard, you are free to blossom into yourself.
3. You'll learn to trust yourself.
You won't have anyone to constantly validate you when you're on your own. It's good practice to start listening to your own intuition, rather than relying on others for reassurance.
Trusting yourself can be one of your greatest strengths, and it's built upon the foundation of solitude.
4. You can be your own therapist.
Most of us don't face our inner demons when we're preoccupied by our friends and our activities. That's why alone time is essential for processing difficult emotions and experiences.
Solitude gives you the chance to "be your own therapist" - to develop an intimate relationship with yourself that will be a building-block for healing.
5. You'll have better relationships.
If you spend all your time with another person, what kind of relationship are you developing with yourself? You have to establish your own roots if you want to grow with another person. Otherwise, you'll keep drawing upon their root system and you won't be able to stand your ground when they need space.
When you are able to thrive in solitude, and able to love yourself, that strength and love will radiate into all of your relationships.
6. You can become the person you want to be.
It's hard enough to know yourself when you're constantly surrounded by others. But in the patience and grace of alone-time, you can see exactly who you are - and if your choices are reflecting your inner self.
When you take a break for yourself, you clean your slate of all kinds of external influences. The freedom of solitude gives you the tools to paint your identity from the inside, out.
Although alone time can be hard to find, summer is the perfect opportunity to delve into nourishing solitude. It's not a sign that you're anti-social, but an ingredient for self-understanding and growth. The seeds of healthy relationships, happiness and identity grow from the soil of self-love. So take yourself on a date, do something for you and watch how your life unfolds.