There are many benefits to attending a small college. Some think attending a small college is boring, but the truth is that there are many perks. A small college is perfect for the type of people who enjoy having a sense of community surround their education.
1.) Knowing Almost Everyone
Or at least, knowing of them. It doesn't take too long for someone at Houghton to become known around campus, and it doesn't take long for you to recognize pretty much every face you pass. This comes with a lot of advantages, except for on those days when you feel like just wearing pajamas and bed head hair everywhere but you can't because you'll see people you know when you walk out the door...
2.) Attention From Professors
It is so great being able to walk right up to a Professor and talk to him/her, walk into their office, send them an email that they respond to quickly, go to their house to eat food and watch a movie, just being able to flash a smile, say hi, and have them know your name. Professors become friends and mentors in a small school.
3.) It's Easier To Get Things Done
It's easier to make a change when there's less people to get on board. It's easier to spread the word on something. It's easier to create a fun event because there are less people to account for! Lots of things are easier with a smaller group of people.
4.) It's Easier To Find People To Study With
This point goes along with the point before. Since the classes are smaller, and you know pretty much everyone (at least know of them), it's easy to form a good study group or find some friends that you study well with. It's such a blessing to always have someone on my floor in my class, because I can just pop over to their room when I need help!
5.) Less Walking
Where at universities you basically have to take a bus to get to where you need to be on time, it's really easy to get to your class in a small college. I can wake up 5 minutes before class and still get there early. That is a definite perk.
6.) Overall Community
Community is a very popular word here at Houghton, but there's a reason for that. I've heard countless stories of large universities where students are referred to as numbers, and where if you meet someone it's very unlikely that you'll see them ever again. But it's so different here. We form relationships- and that is something that is worth its weight in gold.
A small college is where I belong. I get the attention that I need, whether academically, spiritually, or emotionally. Though some may feel very confined in a small place like this, I find it very freeing to see familiar, smiling faces everywhere I go. My small college is truly a blessing.