6 Anime For Beginners
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6 Anime For Beginners

For when you want to watch some Anime but do not know where to begin

6 Anime For Beginners

Anime is weird, but it can also be cool. If you want to watch Anime but do not know where to start, here you go. These are 6 shows for beginners, that do not know where to start and are hopefully for your liking. These shows are all ones I consider great and are easy transitions into the world of Anime. Enjoy.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

To be frank, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is probably one of, if not the greatest Anime ever made. To keep it brief, everything in this show is amazing; the writing is strong, each character is memorable and well developed, the animation is beautiful, and the music is breathtaking. Anime fan or not you should watch this show.

Death Note

Death Note is a roller coaster. The plot is constantly moving, with constant development and progression every second of the show. The series follows Light, and L, two geniuses that are in a constant battle of wits, with Light trying to rule the world, while L is trying to stop him. The psychological warfare in this show combined with the stellar writing makes it one of the most enjoyable Anime to watch if you are looking for a thrill ride that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Again, Death Note serves as one of the best Anime ever written, and should certainly be watched by everyone.

Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop is simply cool. Every character is cool. Every action a character makes is cool. The soundtrack is jazzy and cool. The art style and character designs are cool. Everything that can be made cool in Cowboy Bebop is made cool, and that is why the show works so well. Each episode is a self-contained adventure, with an overarching story that slowly develops over the coarse of the series; this works great for the series as each character is given their own arc that develops alongside the plot of the series. Each episodic story also works, as again, each one feels cool, due to the unique premise of each episode. Each episode is either a completely new idea or a traditional idea redone in a stylish manor, that fits Bebop so well. The soundtrack truly enhances every episode, as the jazziness again adds to the coolness presented by the show. Definitely, watch Cowboy Bebop just because of how insanely cool it is.

The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya

I figured that I should probably stop talking about action shows for a bit, and talk about a slice-of-life show since that genre covers a large portion of all anime. I am not a huge fan of this genre, as it is typically pretty boring, however, The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya is a major exception. This show is wacky. Every seemingly normal thing the "SOS Brigade" does somehow tailspins, and becomes this bizarre, insane version of the original task; there are literally eight episodes in a row that involve the exact same events because the Brigade gets caught in a time loop. Instead of a traditional group of high schoolers, this group of aliens, time travelers, and espers live their daily lives, in the most bizarre, and wacky ways imaginable. These crazy characters combine with their wacky adventures create a great show that is easy to laugh and relax with.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann


Gurren Lagann is the definition of hype. This show is full of insane mech battles, that constantly grow in scale until they literally reach the size of the universe. The characters too invoke this sense of hype, as one of the main characters, Kamina, is constantly giving the greatest speeches in all of Anime. Kamina is written in a way that is always able to evoke passion and vigor out of both the other characters and the audience, in a way that only creates inspiration and more hype. This show is full of some of my favorite quotes, as they truly evoke deep meaning, while often being extremely simplistic. Go watch Gurren Lagann to just feel hype and inspiration.

Ghost In The Shell

I do not know if this is cheating or not, but I am putting the original Ghost In The Shell Movie on this list. Ghost In The Shell, is a great movie, Anime or not; it touches on deep themes of identity, humanity, and existence, in subtle, but effective ways. The movie also features beautifully animated and directed fight scenes that will keep you on the edge of your seat, and feeling hyped and excited. This movie is truly a masterpiece of animation and should certainly be watched by everyone due to its deep themes, interesting plot, and significant impact on both Anime in the west, and animation in general.

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