Growing up, there were so many TV shows that revolved around the characters going to school. Because of this, there have so many hilarious, crazy teachers on our childhood shows. So, here is a list of teachers that taught me some important lessons about life that only cartoon shows could.
1. Mrs. Puff from SpongeBob SquarePants
Mrs. Puff wanted SpongeBob to pass so bad, it drove her crazy. She taught me that watching someone fail over and over again can be extremely frustrating, but if it's your job to help that person pass, then you have to keep at it. If a friend or someone you know is struggling, help them reach their goals.
2. Ms. Finster from Recess
This TV show was a classic, and Ms. Finster was a huge part of its plot. She was an old, cranky woman who is the perfect example of an authoritarian teacher. Her strict policies and love of punishments kept the school from falling apart and hides her secret love for the gang. She taught me that the rules are in place for a reason, but it's important to let people slide sometimes.
3. Ms. Frizzle from Magic School Bus
Ms. Frizzle was amazing. As a woman who loved adventure and science, she never failed to give the students a crazy day. They were almost as crazy as her name and orange hair. She taught me to keep my eyes and mind open in life in order to have fun. Always remember to get out of your house and explore the world around you, whether you jump in your car or on a yellow flying bus.
4. Ms. Othmar from Peanuts
I honestly didn't even know her last name before writing this article, but we all know her iconic voice. We never saw her, but we definitely head her "WAH WAH WAH" every time the Peanuts kids were in the classroom. She taught me that people won't understand what you're saying sometimes, but that doesn't mean you give up and stop talking. (Yes, I know this is getting a little too deep, the lessons here are true.)
5. Mr. Crocker from Fairly Oddparents
All right, honestly this GIF says it all. Denzel Crocker was hellbent on making his students absolutely miserable and loved to watch them fail. However, he did teach me that I will fail in life and there will be people who don't care if I do. So, the next time you get an F on a paper, just remember that you can do better next time and prove the haters wrong.
6. Mrs. Hayfer from Drake and Josh
Mrs. Hayfer always had it out for Drake and hated his poor academic abilities. It was pretty funny to watch her hate Drake and love Josh, since most people in the show do the opposite. She also believed that Todd was always right. She taught me that there are awful teachers out there and that Todd's of the classroom are truly annoying. Don't be a Todd.