1. Denial
Where did the past four years go? I was just a freshman what felt like yesterday. I've had four years to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. Here I am, a week after graduation, and still don't know exactly where I'm headed. I need a drink!
2. I'm an actual adult?
I thought I became an adult when I went to college. But in reality, I was still living off of my parents and going to school like I had always done. Now, it's time to grow up and do adult things like get a big girl job and pay my own bills. THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING.
3. I'm not a student anymore.
First the first time in 17 years, I am no longer a student. One of the only constant things in a person's life is school. You always have been on the same schedule and living the same life in essence. Until now. Honestly, the uncertainty of what is called life right now makes me want to vomit.
4. Wait, I have to pay back my student loans...
As each semester went by, I complained about FAFSA and how stingy they were with their money. Now, I'm only a short time away from having to start paying all of the money back, and I'm somewhat thanking FAFSA for being penny pinchers. But sadly, 6 months?! That's all they give you to get your life together and start making enough money to survive and pay them? I need more time!
5. I get to move back in with my mom for a little while! Yes, finally!
I have talked to my mom every single day at least five times a day since I've been in college. She is my best friend. Not only is she my bff, but now I don't have to go grocery shopping for myself, eat fast food everyday, and I have someone to help me when things go wrong. I am definitely not going to take this in between stage for granted. Another bonus, now that I'm older, we get to have brunch and drink mimosas and bond over the fact of how work and life stresses us out.
6. I finally get to plan my life and pursue a career.
When I was a little kid, I couldn't wait to be 16 and drive a car. Then, I couldn't wait until I turned 18 so I could be an "adult" and go to college. Once I got to college, I thought I was old because I started becoming more independent. But I still couldn't wait to be the big 21. Now that I've graduated. I want time to slow down. I know I'm still not old by any means, but it feels like I'm getting there. I've been sad to move on from college and most definitely scared of what is to come and how I move forward. With those scared feelings, also comes excitement. Yes, I'm nervous, of course, I am, but I'm excited. I'm excited to find a job that I love. I'm excited to really become independent.