It is really easy for people to judge someone based on appearances. That is human nature. Living in the 21st century, social media is something that has taken over our lives. We think we "know" people because we are simply friends with them on Facebook or follow each other on Instagram. Living in this social media based world, I sometimes feel like people don't really get to know each other because we already think we know them from our social media. With that being said, here are 12 things you wouldn't know about me unless you really knew me.
I just started liking dessert.
This is sad but true. Up until now, I hated dessert and would never order it when I went out to eat. Instead, I would impatiently wait while everyone else ordered and ate what they called the "best part of the meal." Now, I can't end my day without having something sweet to eat. I used to only eat brownies for dessert but now I have expanded to ice cream, cake, and more. Let's just say my friends are very proud of me.
I replay songs until I hate them.
I swear I am that person who finds that one popular song from every artist and then claims it as their favorite song. When I shuffle my playlist, I will skip every other song until I get to the one that is my favorite. A month goes by and when the song comes on, I can't stand listening to it because I am already sick of it.
I have pee anxiety.
So many people find this one funny. My pee anxiety consists of not being able to pee in front of other people. Don't doubt me though, I found a way to relieve the anxiety. What I do is put headphones in and blast music so I can't hear anyone around me. Yes, I may look silly sitting in a stall with headphones in, but you got to do what you got to do.
I love making dancing videos.
Recording myself dancing in my room like a fool is one of my favorite things to do. Ask my friends, these videos are some of the most legendary pieces on my finsta. I cannot say I am a particularly good dancer, but I can say that it is fun to watch me make a fool of myself and be silly. I love to make these with friends so hit me up if you're interested!
My celebrity crush is Nathan Scott (James Lafferty).
Ever since I first watched One Tree Hill in 2014, it has been my favorite show (this isn't new information if you have read my other articles). I absolutely have the biggest fan crush on Nathan Scott who is played by James Lafferty. I rewatch the show so many times because I love him so much and I think he is so cute.
I covered my birthmark when I was younger.
When I was younger, one of my insecurities was the birthmark that is on my left thigh. As a result, I would put a band-aid over it because I did not want people seeing it. At the moment, I didn't realize all it did was attract more attention to it. As I got older, I grew out of doing this because I realized so many people have birthmarks and it is a ~part of me~.
I'm the worst at watching movies.
Do not ask me to watch a movie unless it is a childhood movie because I will 99.9999% fall asleep during it or try and talk to you during it. I wish I was better at watching movies because when I actually sit through a movie, I really like it. I guess it is something I am just going to need to get better at.
I always sleep with a sleeping mask.
When I was in first grade I decided to use my allowance to get a sleeping mask at Claire's. I have no idea why I wanted one, but I thought they were cool. Ever since that day, I have slept with a sleeping mask every night. I can't fall asleep at night without them. I don't even use them to block any light, I just physically need to feel the mask on my face.
I still sleep with all of my childhood stuffed animals.
It's true, I am a child at heart and would feel like the most guilty person in the world if I put them in boxes in my basement. Although I have put away some of them, I have to sleep with my favorite homies on my bed and in my arms every night.
I took Chinese in high school.
Don't be impressed, but for some weird reason Chinese was considered an "easy" class at the high school I went to. I took Spanish in middle school and was absolutely horrible at it. When I got to high school, I wanted to find a different language to take. I had heard the Chinese class was easy, so I decided to take it. Unfortunately, I do not remember much of it, but it is cool to say I took it for four years!
I don't really like dogs.
When I tell people I don't like dogs, I'm almost sure that it breaks their heart. So many people I know are such dog people. When I was younger I was terrified of dogs. I would get so nervous when they would jump on me. I am not as scared of them anymore, but I honestly wish I was more of a dog person.
I practically only rewatch Netlfix shows.Â
This is one of my worst habits. I am WAY too invested in the Netflix shows I have already watched that I never try and watch a new show. I always try and watch a new show, but I get bored halfway through the first five minutes and revert to one of my favorite shows that I have already watched at least five times.
These 12 things are definitely all little weird quirks of mine, but they are things that are what make me who I am. Not everyone who knows me would know all things traits about me, but that doesn't mean they won't learn about them sooner or later.