Being a student in college brings a lot of work but its what you do with your time that matters. We may all face situations which bring ample amounts of stress where we can't focus or just are plain lazy some days. As I have learned, sometimes if need be, taking a tiny break from work is a good thing as long as you go back to working at some point in the day. Here are some ideas to actually be productive and get things done when you might be procrastinating on your actual schoolwork.
1. Change out of those three-day-old sweats.
We all have those days where you might get back from an 8 a.m. and realize you have never changed out of your pajamas. It’s a good idea to maybe freshen up. Looking better usually boosts people mood and helps with getting more things accomplished because you may feel better and less lazy.
2. Grab that planner.
Writing your plans is not necessarily doing that elective homework you’ve been dreading right? Sitting down and planning out your week can help you out in your organizing skills but also may give you a boost of confidence and motivation to finish that homework.
3. Got Dishes?
If you own a kitchen or a sink and you notice there may be dishes. Clean them. You know they all aren’t just your roommates. Turn on some tunes and go at it.
4. Static Workout.
Don’t have enough time to go to the gym and still get your work done? Working out is a great stress reliever and if it’s the stress that may be helping with that procrastination, a workout doesn’t sound too bad. There are tons of videos online or in apps on your phone that can lead you through a quick workout without even having to get to the gym.
5. Call your parents.
Sometimes when I’m stressed its always a nice thing to talk to someone with a familiar voice from home.Finding myself caught up in the day, I don’t get to call my parents much. Bless them with a phone call, vent to them even if you are willing. They’ll appreciate it more than you know.
Procrastinating is not a great thing, but it happens. Just remember, it isn’t always the best answer to not wanting to do schoolwork, grab a coffee or some caffeine and get at writing that term paper.