For most people, including me, dorm life is something completely new for them as they enter their freshman year of college. They have never had to share their room before, shower communally, and fit their entire life into a tiny cinderblock box. It truly was a character builder, and I am immensely grateful that it is over.
And, although there are things I miss about that freshman dorm life, here are five things that I definitely DON'T miss about living in a dorm:
1. The Location
My freshman dorm was on top of what was literally named "Mount Olympus". To get up the mount, you had to walk up a steep set of over one hundred steps. By the time you got to the top, most people were absolutely winded. It was brutal, especially in the winter, when the bottom of the mount was covered in ice.
2. The Bathrooms
People genuinely do not care when it comes to bathrooms. There was one morning I woke up and found a smashed mini pumpkin in a stall. Another morning, what looked like some kind of bean soup (or vomit) was all over the shower. And those were tame days.
3. The Drama
My freshman dorm could've been its own soap opera with the amount of drama that went on. Seriously.
4. The Noise
Don't get me wrong, sometimes I was DEFINITELY the person that needed to be quiet on my floor, but this was one that really bothered me. As someone who needs my sleep to function, it was not fun for me to hear people screaming in the hallway, throwing balls against their floor, or to hear every lyric of my floormate's lyrics.
5. The Fire Drills