Hi! Or is it hey?
Are you a member of the 5SOSfam who's always wondered what song corresponds with your sign? How about that same thing, but according to a random girl on the Internet? Or maybe, let's take this even further, according to a random girl on the Internet that knows little to nothing about astrology? Well, your prayers have been answered. I hope it's exactly what you've hoped and dreamed of.
1. ARIES - "Try Hard"
Don't take this the wrong way. I've learned that characteristically, Aries's are fearless and willing to try anything to be the best. Therefore, the song title addresses your efforts, which is that you put a lot of effort into things! You're also very charismatic, and I think Try Hard is a song with a lot of charisma. See? Not as bad as you thought at first because of the title, I hope.
2. TAURUS - "Just Saying"
Someone you like dating someone you think is awful? You'd 100% tell them. Just saying. (See what I did there?)
3. GEMINI - "Good Girls"
I'm sorry Geminis, but I know a good opportunity when I see one. Living a double life? I thought so.
4. CANCER - "Invisible"
I've heard that Cancers are very emotional, so I picked a song packed FULL of emotion for you guys. Try not to cry while listening to it and relating it back to yourselves.
5. LEO - "She's Kinda Hot"
As Leos are known for their noticeable presence and overall power, I thought a song having to do with being the kings and queens of the new broken jungle. Also, y'all are hot, right?
6. VIRGO - "Valentine"
Not a fan of balloons, teddy bears, and chocolate eclairs? Rather critical, aren't we? Although you are picking a practical and logical approach to Valentine's Day, being with the one(s) you love and doing what you'd do on any ordinary day. Mad respect guys.
7. LIBRA - "Easier"
Is it easier to stay or is it easier to go? Libras have no idea, so the queens of indecisiveness get this single off the next album (speaking of, when's it gonna drop?? @5SOS??)
8. SCORPIO - "Catch Fire"
Now, there's one Scorpio I've come across in life that I'm not super fond of that's made me wary of them, but know that I'm not taking this lightly when I assign them one of my favorite songs of ALL TIME, not even just 5SOS songs. I just read up on them and heard that all the other signs and impressed by the level of emotion and energy they possess that makes them stand out. That being said, this song stands out to me as underrated, gorgeous, emotional, and some of the most impressive lyrics I think 5SOS has ever written and released. That's a very high compliment, Scorpios, now tell your Scorpio fam around me to chill haha.
9. SAGITTARIUS - "Long Way Home"
Personally, I get a chill vibe from Sagittarius's. I also just read that they love adventuring, traveling, and exploring. So here you go, both chill vibes and discovery!
10. CAPRICORN - "Better Man"
So I've heard Capricorns are ambitious, confident goal-setters that accomplish a lot, as well as being a little pessimistic. In Better Man you're like BET I'll be a better partner with a certain person's love, I'm positive I'll be the best. Yet, you're also thinking that without their love you WON'T be that better person. I'm here to tell you that you DON'T NEED NO MAN (OR WOMAN OR PARTNER OR WHOMEVER IT IS THAT YOU LOVE!)
11. AQUARIUS - "Lost In Reality"
Do you guys need saving? According to an artsy zodiac Instagram account (and my own judgment of my ex-boyfriend, an Aquarius. Sorry you're grouped with him,) Aquarius's are known for their detachment from reality, the rest is history.
12. PISCES - "If Walls Could Talk"
Pisces seem to be known for keeping their emotions a secret. If those walls started talking you'd have some explaining to do, wouldn't you?
That's all I got!
I hope you're satisfied with your song (that someone with really not that much prior knowledge of astrology picked out for you, aka me).
Let me know if there's a better song you think represents your sign! I'm looking at you, a sign that likes things to go their way no matter what (see? I really have no idea haha.)
Aight, bye for now!