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It Wasn't Easy, But I Ranked The Songs On 5SOS's 'Youngblood' From Worst To Best

Now excuse me while I go listen to this album on repeat for the next five years.

It Wasn't Easy, But I Ranked The Songs On 5SOS's 'Youngblood' From Worst To Best

I've been a fan of 5 Seconds of Summer for a few years now, ever since their first single released. And while I'm not as crazed as some fans, I do enjoy jammin' out to their music. I was very, very excited when "Youngblood" was released.

I've been listening to it on repeat, and it has been incredibly hard to choose an absolute favorite song (especially since it changes so often). But I thought I'd challenge myself to choose by making this list and rating each song.

Disclaimer: No matter where a song stands, I still very much appreciate it and everything the boys did to produce it. This album is a work of genius, but I had to make some hard decisions to rate these.

16. "Babylon"

Sometimes, I'm in the mood for this (like before I wrote this article when I was singing it in the shower). But most days, I skip it. It's a good song, but it just hasn't spoken to me yet. #sorry

15. "Talk Fast"

Again, this one depends on whether I'm in the mood for it or not. I love the beat and the fast pace, but sometimes I gotta skip over it 'cause I'm just not feelin' it.

14. "If Walls Could Talk"

I love that Ashton sings more during this song (he's so underrated), but it sometimes strikes me as repetitive. It's good though, don't get me wrong.

13. "Meet You There"

OK, I do love this song. But there are others on the album that I enjoy more, so it lands at number 13.

12. "More"

"And all the things that we dream about
They don't mean what they did before
I just wanna get back to us
'Cause we used to have more"

Hits me straight in the heart, man.

11. "Better Man"

This one is so cute. I love the message. Makes my heart melt.

10. "Want You Back"

When this came out as a single, I was like, "What a freakin' bop."

And it still is. What a flippin' bop. That high note is beautiful. Top 10 material.

9. "Woke Up In Japan"

I'm just saying, if I woke up in Japan, I'd be panicked. But I love the deep, gravelly feel of Luke's voice in this. Worth blasting.

8. "Ghost of You"

Not gonna lie, I wasn't really a fan of this one at first. But the more I listened to it and the more I absorbed the lyrics, it pulled on my heartstrings. "Too young, too dumb, to know things like love."

7. "Why Won't You Love Me"

This one makes me cry. It makes me feel like I'm on the airplane, missing someone I love. It hurts my heart, OK?

6. "Monster Among Men"

First of all, let me just say that Michael starting this song is enough to send me into cardiac arrest. His voice is BEAUTIFUL.

Second of all, "I won't break your heart again, I don't wanna be a monster among men." How can you not love that lyrical beauty?

5. "Youngblood"

I refused to listen to this one when they released it as a single because I claimed it "wasn't going to be that good."

I was badly mistaken. This is the perfect song to scream in the shower. Or when you're home alone.

My favorite line is: "You used to call me baby, now you're callin' me by name." I felt that.

4. "Valentine"

Who doesn't want to be 5SOS' valentine, hmm? Even though I hate Valentine's Day, this song makes me feel good about it. It's a cute, rocky type of love song.

3. "Empty Wallets"

All I have to say is Michael Clifford.

This was my absolute favorite the first time I listened to the album, and it was stuck in my head all day and night. And when I heard Michael sing the bridge, I shed a tear. No matter how many times I listen to it, I still love it.

"Empty Wallets" is also the perfect song to scream when you're home alone. I don't regret its placing at number three.

2. "Lie To Me"

This song gets me so emotional. Literally, just analyze the lyrics. Listen to the beautiful voices as they sing the gorgeously sad words.

Let it break your heart. You'll never be the same. "I know you don't, but if I ask if you love me, I hope you lie to me."

1. "Moving Along"

This is my number one song from this album, and I am not sorry about that at all.

I can listen to it 20 times in a row while driving with the windows down, screaming the words. I will scream it at strangers who drive past. I don't care. I feel this song personally and emotionally, and it is such a freaking bop.

I love this song so much. It deserves its number one spot.

Like I said before, this album is a work of genius. The band's lyrics have grown so much since their first album. You can hear the growth in their sounds and in their words. I am so proud.

This is not just your typical "boy band" album — or your typical "boy band" at all.

This is a real punk rock band. They deserve all the praise they get; they're truly a talented group of lads. I love this album. It's probably my favorite of them all so far.

If you haven't given it a listen yet, stop what you're doing and go listen now. It's life changing. (OK, that may be dramatic, but I am dramatic.)

Now excuse me while I go listen to this album on repeat for the next five years.

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