I love 5SOS yes I do, I love 5SOS how about you?! When you love a band as much as I love 5 Seconds of Summer, you spend a long, long, long while trying to put together a list of all the things you love about them. Then before you know it you have three whole pages of things ranging from "Calum and his adorable nose" to "Luke having to duck to walk under door frames," bouncing to "Ash throwing Cal off stage for swearing," and finally something along the lines of "Michael putting on a Storm Trooper mask and doing questionable things." When you spend years of your life dedicated to four dorky Australian boys who happen to be really good at making music, you learn your favorite things about them. This list ranges from things I love about the band as a whole and then to the individual members, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Michael Clifford and Ashton Irwin. Sit down, grab some popcorn and enjoy the trip down memory lane, starring 5 Seconds of Summer.
The Band:
1. The way they look at each other.
This band looks at each other one of three ways, at all times. Way one is "Hey, bro. I love you, bro," another is "I'm really tired can we just eat pizza and relax," and the third is "Well, screw it. Let's get it done!" No matter which way the band looks at one another you know it's gonna be a good time.
2. Their stage presence.
5 Seconds of Summer are a rather entertaining band. Especially on stage. Ashton and his wild drumming set the tone, which Cal, Luke and Mikey tend to feed off of. When they're on stage, if it's a slow song like "Amnesia" or a fast paced song like "Permanent Vacation," they're having a rocking time. 5SOS is always a joy to watch on stage.
3. 5SOS then vs 5SOS now.
5SOS then were dorky, baby-faced angels who were just making it into the real world. They didn't know how to dress themselves, or conduct an interview without cracking up at anything anyone said. Now, they're young men who know how to dress themselves. Michael and I are only a month apart age wise (I was born October 21, 1995 and Michael was born November 20, 1995.) Michael and I have essentially matured together. Watching them grow into amazing young men was wonderful.
4. Banding time.
Banding: a way to describe bands that have bonding time. A frequently used term within 5SOS and the 5SOS fam. Banding can be watching a movie, sitting around before the show just chatting (or "snapchatting") or vacationing in Bali with a bunch of people and recreating cliche photos.
5. Pre-show snapchats.
Alert the media and the medics. 5 Seconds of Summer has discovered Snapchat. Ashton tends to give updates while Michael, Luke and Calum just really like the cute filters.
6. How tall they are.
5SOS is a huge band. Not in terms of how big they are popularity size. But they are legitimately a large band. Luke is a giant at 6'4", Michael and Calum ringing in at around 6'3" and 6'2" respectively and Ashton, the shortest, at a still impressive 6'0".
7. How happy they make us.
When you're in the 5SOS fam and love 5SOS as much as I do, everything they do makes you happy. Michael and his addiction to pizza, Calum and his adorable sass master face, Luke and his all around awkwardness and Ashton in his giggle-puff ways, they make you happy. No matter what, even Luke's shenanigans, can make you smile when it comes to the band.
Ashton Irwin:
8. He's an amazing drummer.
There are a lot of things Ashton can do. He can make me want to cry tears of happiness with just a note of his voice, can make my legs jelly with a smile and a giggle and make my entire body swell with pride and joy when he's on stage. Watching Ash at his drum kit, in full work mode, banging his heart away on his drums, makes me so proud to be a fan of his. (High key also love when he twirls his drumsticks.)
9. Ashton's drum faces.
When Ashton is drumming, he goes hard core. Like really hardcore. He makes some... interestingly adorable faces. Sometimes he looks like he's super angry and out for blood, sometimes he looks like he's in pain, sometimes he looks happy. His multiple different expressions, no matter what, make me smile.
10. His giggle, smile and dimples.
Ashton has probably about a trillion and six different laughs, giggles, chuckles and so on. Each one of them brings an ear to ear smile, and his oh so wonderful dimples that no matter how much we deny it, is every 5SOS fan's weakness. His giggle makes me giggle, his smile makes me cry because I want to poke his dimples.
11. His hair.
Thank anyone you want to for Ashton Irwin and his fluffy hair. His curls are wild when he lets them be, if not it's cut short or tied back either in a bun or with his world famous bandanas. His hair is wild and crazy to match his wild and crazy drumming, but balances out his cool and calm personality.
12. His eyes.
Ashton has strikingly beautiful hazel eyes. Depending on the light and his mood, Ash's eyes look more green, or more brown or (my favorite) a perfect mix of brown and green with little flecks of gold throughout.
13. He's aesthetically pleasing.
You know how some people are aesthetically pleasing? Well, Ashton is aesthetically pleasing. He's just a beautiful human. He's tall, has a gorgeous face with beautiful eyes, a charming smile, large hands, adorable dimples and hair that you just want to play with. Throw in his charming personality, bubbly laughter, amazing style and you have yourself a wonderful human. He's aesthetically pleasing and everyone should love him.
14. He loves his family.
Real talk for a second. Ashton Irwin grew up without a father. So at a young age, Ashton learned from his grandfather to be the man of the house. He had to be there for his mom (or mum, as they say in Australia) Anne-Marie, his younger sister Lauren and his younger brother, Harry. Since Ashton learned from a young age that family means everything and you have to care for the ones you love, he has a great sense of value and holds his family on a high pedestal.
Calum Hood: 
15. The fluff.
Calum, in general is a good looking guy. He's got dark brown eyes, a jaw line that could cut glass, a pretty smile and he's covered by tattoos across his upper body and a few on his legs. But one of my favorite things about Calum Hood is the fluff. Better known as his natural, curly-ish, fluffy hair.
16. His skill.
Calum has great song writing skills. He's a strong writer helping on multiple songs from each album and or EP the band has released. But watching him grow into his love for the bass and watch him rock it every night is amazing. We were there when Calum truly became himself. My favorite is watching him play his bass solo before "Everything I Didn't Say" and "Beside You."
17. The way he stands on his box.
In front of each of the guys down in front is a little light box. Calum likes to use it as his own little stage. He's always standing on it and it's always really cute. He looks like a king overlooking his kingdom and his people.
18. He loves soccer.
Calum loves soccer like plants love the sun. Calum has been playing soccer since he was a baby. Calum is good, like really really good. But alas, our dear Cal Pal had to make a choice. Calum may have chose the band over soccer but he still plays when he gets the chance.
19. Sass Master Calum Thomas.
My little Hoodlum can be a lil sassy. When I say a little I mean sometimes a lot. But for some reason when Cal is being sassy it is SUPER adorable and makes me want to cuddle him. I promise, his sass isn't intended to be rude, he's just a very quiet person. I can't promise he's not judging you, but I can promise sass levels aside he's one of the nicest people I've ever met.
20. His eye crinkling smile.
When Cal smiles, and I mean genuinely smiles it's one of the most breathtaking things I've ever seen. His entire face lights up, his eyes get all crinkly, his nose scrunches up and his smile stretches from ear to ear. When Calum smiles, my entire day gets better.
21. Selfie game strong.
Things Calum Thomas Hood is good at include: the bass, smiling, being sassy, being blunt, singing, songwriting, soccer, sleeping, video games and selfies. Yes, selfies. If there is one person whose selfie game is strong, its Cal.
Luke Hemmings: 
22. He's a ridiculously large human.
Not only does Luke Hemmings have piercing blue eyes, a lip ring, dirty blonde hair styled perfectly, but he's a giraffe. Don't fight me on it. Luke stands at 6'4" with shoulders a football player could envy. Luke is the definition of a gentle giant.
23. Luke's maroon snapback.
Luke isn't a hat person like the other three band members. Luke rarely wears a hat. But when he does, it's most likely a maroon snapback and it's not only every Luke Girl's weakness, but a weakness of all 5SOS fans. He's also had this snapback for what feels like 130 years.
24. The way he stands.
Most people stand with their feet side by side. Luke Hemmings on the other hand stands completely different. When Luke is taking photos he either has one foot behind him or he rests one foot on top of the other. When he's on stage, again a lot of artists will stand with their feet parallel to each other or slightly angled out. Luke stands with his toes pointed together and I think it's super adorable.
25. The lip ring.
May Luke's lip ring rest in peace. While it was around, it was amazing. The day he got it done was the day everyone in the fam was in love with Luke Robert Hemmings and only Luke Robert Hemmings. I miss the lip ring just as much as I miss Luke. He had a habit of playing with it or biting it and it was a wonderful sight to see.
26. His voice.
Angels humming from the sky or Luke Hemmings singing? The world may never know. I'm weak for Luke's voice, especially when they sing "End Up Here" and Luke is talking about his Cobain shirt. Or in "Kiss Me Kiss Me" when he says "head light hold tight turn the radio loud." Actually, no matter the song, Luke's voice is one of my favorite things about him.
27. Momma Hemmings.
As someone who is super close with their mother, seeing Luke and his mother, Liz, be so close makes me happy. When 5SOS first became a thing, Liz Hemmings, a math teacher, became a band mom. She went on tour with them, and looked after the boys for their families. Luke's relationship with Liz is priceless (especially when she takes things from him).
28. His ability to sleep anywhere.
One thing (besides playing the guitar and singing) that Luke Hemmings is really really really good at is sleeping. Luke is one of those people who just needs something for a pillow. He can sleep anywhere, any way at any time and still get a solid nap in.
Michael Clifford:
29. Hair Evolution.
Michael Clifford, also known as Mikey, has had more hair colors in my time as a 5 Seconds of Summer fan than I can count. His hair has been black, blonde, green, red, galaxy, blue, reverse skunk (blonde with a black streak,) a mermaid blend that had blues and teals and greens, it's been lilac and so many more. Michael and his ever-changing hair should stay bright and young and happy.
30. Video games.
MIchael loves video games. HE loves them so much to the point that he live streamed himself playing "League of Legends" for hours on end. He plays when he has off time, loving to use it as down time or bonding time with the band or even his family. No matter what, he loves it.
31. Muke for days.
What that means is Michael and Luke are close. My favorite part of them being so close is the fact that Michael loves to annoy the ever-loving crap out of Luke when he can. On stage or off stage Michael seems to be glued to Luke's side.
32. He's aware.
Michael may goof off a lot but one thing he always is, is aware. He's always concerned with what's going on and the world around him. He's caring, kind and genuine. Michael Clifford is a good person, concerned for himself and others. He also washes his hands upwards of 15 times a day.
33. Daniel the Lion.
Michael had a stuffed lion, who's name is Daniel. Daniel went everywhere with Mikey and the band. To the point that he was kind of like the band mascot. Daniel was family to Mikey and we loved him as such! The day that Mikey lost Daniel was a sad day as we had lost a friend. Mikey, even without Daniel, is still adventurous so worry not!
34. He's a home body.
When the band heads home for break, Mikey goes right for his man cave. Him and his mother built it together, getting a "big a** television" plus a fan and lamp among other things. When it was finished, we got a tour of the room, which ended with Mikey declaring that he'll be "spending most of my days here, goodbye."
35. He swears and he does not care.
Mikey has talent, good hair, lovely eyes, pouty lips, a banging voice and sick guitar skills. One thing Michael Clifford does not have is a filter. He gets kind of loud, and curses a lot, and sometimes forgets to use his inside voice but that's okay!!! He's Mikey and he deserves to be happy and be excited.
So to my band who I love dearly, here's the top 35 reasons you four have me wrapped around your fingers. Love you!