As you grow up, you always hear your parents say, "When you're older, you'll look back and tell me I was right" but you never actually believe them when they say it. Well, I was wrong. They were right and here are 55 Things I Need To Thank My Parents For:
1. For teaching me humility.
2. For teaching me that you can't always get what you want.
3. For allowing me to use my imagination.
4. For pushing me in school.
5. For making me believe in myself.
6. For showing me that the world is full of endless opportunities.
7. For teaching me that "you miss 100% of the opportunities you don't take." -Mom
8. For teaching me that "anything is possible if you set your mind to it." -Dad
9. For allowing me to fall so I could learn to pick myself up.
10. For supporting me.
11. For allowing me to be me.
12. For teaching me that money is not the key to happiness but it can make life easier.
13. For showing me to take every opportunity I get to make someone’s day better.
14. For making me learn to stand up for myself.
15. For showing me what it takes to stand on your own
16. For pushing me to stand up for what I believe in
17. For teaching me that it’s okay to be a leader
18. For showing me it’s okay to fail as long as you get back up
19. For always pushing me to do the absolute best that I possibly can
20. For showing me the importance of relationships.
21. For introducing me to my creator.
22. For preaching “actions speak louder than words.”-Mom & Dad
23. For never allowing me to give up.
24. For teaching me how to be strong.
25. For showing me the importance of coffee.
26. For teaching me the importance of first impressions.
27. For teaching me responsibility is the key to success.
28. For giving me siblings.
29. For being strict on me.
30. For pacing me through the stages of growing up.
31. For making me go outside.
32. For forcing me to give sports a try.
33. For letting me find myself instead of telling me who I am.
34. For setting an example of marriage.
35. For teaching me to submit.
36. For allowing both sets of grandparents to help shape me.
37. For teaching me not to be selfish.
38. For showing me it’s okay to be vulnerable sometimes.
39. For giving me opportunities to grow.
40. For teaching me that sometimes, life just sucks but you should appreciate it anyway.
41. For showing me hard work is always rewarded.
42. For showing me how to properly shake hands.
43. For teaching me that actions have consequences.
44. For teaching me to keep my business to myself.
45. For showing that sometimes it’s nice to enjoy the quiet.
46. For allowing me to be right sometimes.
47. For showing me that as parents, you are still only human, too.
48. For teaching me that body image is not important…it’s what’s inside that matters.
49. For showing me how to love others as I love myself.
50. For missing me when I’m not around and making me feel missed.
51. For always answering the phone.
52. For being there for me as an adult.
53. For teaching me how to adult.
54. For teaching me to appreciate and cherish memories.
55. For loving me unconditionally.
You've shaped me into someone I can be proud of and for that, I thank you....And by the way,......I guess you were right.