If you want to graduate with zero regrets, check out this CSU to-do list and Ram on! This list is full of fun and exciting things to do around Fort Collins and campus!
1. Pet Cam the Ram.
2. Hike to the top of Horsetooth Mountain.
3. Visit every building on campus.
4. Vote in an ASCSU elections.
5. Tailgate before a football game.
6. Participate in CSUnity.
7. Order a late-night pizza.
8. Ride the Transfort bus because it’s free!
9. Help build a homecoming float.
10. Go to the CSU vs. CU football game.
11. Spend a day at Horsetooth Reservoir.
12. Hangout at the Monfort Quad (behind the Clark Building).
13. Go on a local brewery tour.
14. Play hide and seek at the library,
15. Volunteer for RamRide,
16. Attend an ASAP concert,
17. Read the Collegian.
18. Spend a night in Old Town.
19. Float the Poudre.
20. Join an intramural team.
21. Work out at the student rec center.
22. Hangout at the lagoon.
23. Watch a sunrise at the A.
24. Buy CSU gear from the bookstore.
25. Go to a CSU club sport game.
26. Ride your bike to school.
27. Have a barbecue with friends.
28. Hug a tree.
29. Attend a play on campus.
30. Go camping.
31. Attend the Ram Welcome Carnival.
32. Join a student organization.
33. Wear green on Fridays.
34. Go to a drive-in movie.
35. Visit the SLiCE office.
36. Study abroad for as long as you can.
37. Go to a concert at the Aggie.
38. Pull an all-nighter.
39. Eat at Spoons in Allison or The Lory Student Center.
40. Go to the career fair.
41. Don’t go home for spring break.
42. Make a snowman or snow angel.
43. Get a beer at the Ramskeller.
44. Spend a night in Boulder.
45. Ride a mechanical bull.
46. Go to Fuzzy’s on a Tuesday night for $2.50 tacos.
47. Climb a fourteener.
48. Play frisbee golf
49. Feed the ducks at City Park.
50. Take a picture with all of the Ram statues on campus.
51. Swing on the bar swings at the Drunken Monkey.
52. Meet or take a picture with Tony Frank.
53. Thank your parents for supporting you.
54. Attend an Orange Out game or prep rally.
55. Graduate!
Ram on!