Remember the good ole days when you went to camp and got to play fun games, sing funny songs, and made cute little arts and crafts? I definitely do! I remember my camp counselors being my heroes and someone I looked up to and wanted to be like. Here I am, 12 years later, a camp counselor. Being a day camp counselor is a harder job than most probably think it is. You get to watch kids have fun, entertain them with arts and crafts, and you get to "goof around" at your job. But, being a camp counselor is more than a few games of dodgeball and singing Boom Chicka Boom. Here are some thoughts that go through a counselor's mind at least once during day camp.
1. It's wayyyyy too early to watch kids now
2. It's surprisingly a little chilly outside, better get my jacket.
3. Ok, nevermind it's getting hot out here.
4. Man, I love kids. They are the coolest.
6. Oh no.... the camp trouble maker is here.
7. OMG, the backpack is bigger than them!
8. How do you already have to go to the bathroom?!?!
9. How do you kids have this much energy??
10. No, don't put the board game pieces in your mouth!
11. My voice is so sore trying to get their attention.
12. Yes, I know you are almost as tall as me....
13. How do their parents do it??
14. If I have to play dodgeball one more time.....
15. For the thousandth time no, it's not lunch time.
16. Oh man, I already have a headache.
17. Quit screaming bloody murder over a daddy long legs.
18. You just went to the bathroom two seconds don't have to go ago.
19. I hope I wasn't like this as a kid.
20. Am I getting paid enough to do this? Probably not.
21. MAN, IT'S HOT!!!!
22. There's no way I'm working out after work....nope no way.
23. These kids say the darnest things.
24. Finally, lunch time aka my unofficial break.
25. Thank God for my co-counselors!!
26. How can these tiny kids eat like a hungry hippo?!
27. What's with the fascination of throwing pine cones??
28. What part of 'No' don't you understand?
29. I'm so tired.
30. I already feel so old.
31. These kids are annoying.
32. I'm never having kids.
33. You've asked me like 10 times if it's swim time
34. How many more hours till my shift is over?!
35. Where are the markers??
36. Finally swim time!
37. This one piece it so unflattering on me.
38. What time is it??
39. Where are the green wristbands?!
40. These life vests are so adorable on the younger kids.
41. Do I have to go swimming?
42. You just got in the pool and you have to go to the bathroom???? really...
43. Please stop annoying the lifeguards.
44. Does it make me the cool counselor if they all want me to swim with them?
45. Yes, you have to put on sunscreen even if it's cloudy.
46. Because that's why.....because I said so....JUST BECAUSE!!!
47. Would you like some cheese to go with your whine?
48. My tan is not going well at all.
49. I'm so hungry.
50. These kids are so funny.
51. I can't wait to go home and take a nap!!
52. Wait, it's only the first week??
53. I hate my job.
54. I LOVE my job.
Watching over 50+ kids can be stressful at times to the point where you just want to pull your hair out. Kids are a handful. They whine, they don't want to participate, they ignore you, they can be disobedient, they can cry every 2 minutes, they can get grumpy, and the heat doesn't help one bit either, but there is no other job that's more rewarding in the end than being a day camp counselor.