If you're like me, procrastination has become one of your main hobbies. No matter what the task at hand is, no matter how easy or little time it takes, I always seem to prioritize something else. So with National Procrastination Week being this week, I am very excited to finally have a reason to justify all my procrastination. If you are looking for something to procrastinate in order to join in on the celebration, here are 53 things that are totally procrastination-worthy!
1. Your homework due in a few hours.
2. Beginning to study for your exam that is the next day.
3. Doing your laundry that is already a couple weeks past due.
4. Calling your parents for your weekly check in.
5. Getting ready for your shift at work that starts in five minutes.
6. Eating breakfast/lunch/dinner as a midnight snack.
7. Wishing someone a happy birthday.
8. Putting pants on before being forced to leave your room for the day.
9. Starting your spring break diet.
10. Charging your phone after it hits 20 percent.
11. Texting people back.
12. Putting gas in your car after the gas light has already been on for a couple days.
13. Cleaning your room.
14. Folding your laundry after you finally bring yourself to wash it.
15. Taking a shower.
16. Doing your makeup.
17. Putting your seatbelt on in the car even after the notification has gone off an absurd amount of times.
18. Going to the gym.
19. Checking the mail.
20. Making your bed.
21. Leaving to go meet up with your friends after you already told them you were on the way 15 minutes ago.
22. Getting out of bed for the day after you've already hit snooze a handful of times.
23. Starting to play your music after you've already put your ear phones in.
24. Reading your emails.
25. Scheduling a much needed doctor's appointment.
26. Getting your food out of the microwave after it's done.
27. Tying your shoes after you put them on.
28. Throwing out expired milk.
29. Going to bed.
30. Leaving for a class that starts in five minutes but is ten minutes across campus.
31. Getting out of the shower.
32. Putting in your food order at a restaurant.
33. Taking your dog outside.
34. Doing the dishes that have been in the sink for longer than you would like to admit.
35. Opening all the Snapchats you got while you were in class/at work.
36. Turning in your dates requested off for work.
37. Replying back to your Aunt's comment she left on your most recent mass picture upload on Facebook.
38. Breaking in the new pair of shoes you just bought.
39. Filing your taxes.
40. Checking your bank account after a night out.
41. Accepting your friend's Venmo charge.
42. Changing your sheets.
43. Watching an episode of the series you've been binge watching (but I'm not sure why you would want to do that).
44. Checking your snapchat story after a Friday/Saturday night out with your friends.
45. Throwing out old leftovers.
46. Ordering an Uber for you and your friends.
47. Letting your mom know how your exam went.
48. Coming up with a clever Instagram caption for the latest post.
49. Paying any parking/speeding ticket you may have.
50. Installing the most recent update on your phone.
51. Taking the trash out.
52. Letting Netflix know that you are in fact still binge watching an entire season in one sitting.
53. Lastly, you can most definitely procrastinate not procrastinating.
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