In life, we face so many hardships that sometimes we forgot that there are so many reasons to be happy. No matter how tough things get or if you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you just have to remember all the things that you make you happy, and I guarantee that you will smile.
1. Sunsets
2. Iced coffee
3. "Parks and Recreation"
4. The feeling of freshly washed sheets
5. Glitter
6. Pasta
7. When someone plays with your hair
8. The sun shining
9. Sunflowers
10. Happy endings
11. Romantic comedies
12. Best friends
13. Laughing until your stomach hurts
14. Ice cream
15. Dogs
16. Driving with your windows down and belting to your favorite song
17. Fuzzy socks
18. Dancing
19. The moment you know that a certain memory is going to last a lifetime
20. "The Bachelorette"
21. Sunrises
22. The beach
23. Fresh cut fruit
24. Being lost for words
25. Genuine compliments
26. The cold side of the pillow
27. Knowing you're someone's person
28. Getting an A on that really hard quiz
29. Crossing something off your to-do list
30. Freshly baked cookies out of the oven
31. Getting butterflies
32. Finding the perfect outfit
33. Receiving a letter in the mail
34. Looking through old pictures
35. You are loved a whole lot
36. The feeling you get when you see your food coming at a restaurant
37. Just lying in bed in the morning
38. Blue Powerade
39. Knowing that God put you on this planet to do something special
40. Your family
42. Cuddling
43. Making someone else laugh
44. Tacos
45. Waking up and remembering your good dream
46. Finishing another school year
47. A full tank of gas
48.The first warm day after winter
49. Concerts
50. Bonfires
51. Late night talks with pals
52. Knowing that hard times are temporary