When you're having a bad day it can seem like the world is under a black and white filter. Here are the things (in no particular order) that bring color back into my life. Hopefully, they remind you to cherish the little things.
1. Coffee, coffee, coffee
A freshly brewed coffee can solve just about anything.
2. Reading a good book
Especially books that you just can't seem to put down, they are the best!
3. Finding jewelry in my favorite color
Lilac, sky blue, and emerald green jewelry is so pretty!
4. Wearing traditional Indian outfits
I love participating in my culture and feeling like a queen while doing it!
5. The way the world looks after a heavy Spring rainfall
The sky may be gray, but the trees and landscape couldn't be greener.
6. Watching the Harry Potter movies with my dad
We may know every single word to every single movie, but that won't stop us from rewatching it for the 93029346th time.
7. Cooking with my mom
I love learning from her and seeing the love she feels for our culture and our family manifest itself in our food.
8. My best friends
They're there through it all.
9. Driving with the windows down on a sunny summer day
Pure calm.
10. Successfully following a YouTube makeup tutorial
Wig snatched!
11. Singing at the top of my lungs with my friends
I got my HAAAAANDS UP they're PLAYING MY SONG and the butterflies fly awayayayyyy!
12. Talking to my grandparents and hearing stories from them
Hearing about my parents' childhoods and the past is so interesting!
13. Shopping!!!
Retail therapy is real, people.
14. Making someone laugh when they're upset
Creating joy fosters joy. Happiness is cyclical!
15. Finding a new favorite song/artist to jam out to
Feels like you're looking at the world through a whole new lens!
16. Taking candid pictures of my friends
I love looking back at pictures of raw unedited emotions and moments.
17. Colin Jost from Saturday Night Live
Sigh.... Love u CJ!
18. Getting an answer right on the first try to a question you didn't know
Doing online homework and seeing the green check mark on your first try is so satisfying.
19. Working out
During the workout? Pain. After the workout? Pure glee.
20. Seeing a rainbow
Makes me feel truly blessed.
21. Getting a text from an old friend
Brings back all the nostalgic feels.
22. The smell of fresh herbsÂ
Especially mint, basil, and Russian sage.
23. Pineapple on pizza
I said what I said. #proud
24. Dad jokes, tbh
Don't tell my dad this, but I actually find his jokes hilarious! If he knew, he'd never let me hear the end of it.
25. Taking an afternoon nap after a day at the pool
The feeling of warm skin under a light blanket with the fan running is so relaxing.
26. Seeing fireflies in the summertime
Owl City had it right.
27. Putting blush on my nose
What can I say, it makes me feel cute!
28. The smell of a bonfire
See also: warm summer nights with your best friends roasting marshmallows.
29. Going thrift shopping and finding what you were looking for
Yas, queen!
30. Watching a perfect sunset
When all the colors blend together it makes me feel perfectly serene.
31. Cleaning (but mostly the feeling of seeing a clean room)
My swiffer has a special place in my heart.
32. Snuggling under freshly washed sheets
The smell of laundry detergent makes me feel refreshed and new.
33. Dancing (both choreographed dance and also having silly dance parties)
My way of letting loose is the art of dance.
34. French vanilla ice cream
The most underrated flavor in the world.
35. Good hair days
They are few and far between, but so wonderful when they happen.
36. 'The Office' theme song
The piano intro just makes me feel at home!
37. Working at a preschool
It's stressful, but gratifying.
38. Crisp autumn morning air
A fresh morning walk can help clear your head in times of stress.
39. The smell of new school supplies
Motivation is high and stress is low during the beginning of the school year.
40. Being a college student!
College has its ups and downs but it truly is the best four years of your life!
41. The first snowfall of winter
Literally nothing else about winter, though. Just that. And maybe hot chocolate.
42. When you're teaching a student something and it finally clicks for them
That's why we're here! The most gratifying moment when tutoring.
43. Painting
Any type of painting is extremely therapeutic to me (the one shown here is a work in progress that has since evolved into a whole garden!)
44. Secondhand bookstores
Bookstores themselves are a treat, but secondhand bookstores are extra magical because alongside the book you also receive another person's' insight, wisdom, and experience.
45. Bath bombs
Nothing more aesthetically pleasing than a fresh bath bomb.
46. The first warm day in spring
Cabin fever begone!
47. Finding the perfect caption for an Instagram post
It is just so satisfying when the caption hits all the marks.
48. Bouquets of roses
Roses are my favorite flower!
49. Coloring with crayons
This makes me feel like a kid again.
50. Getting an A on a test you worked hard for
Color coded notes, flash cards, study groups-- and the payoff: so gratifying.
51. The feedback I receive on my Odyssey articles
It truly means the world to me, so thank you so much!
Remember that for every bad moment, there is an equally beautiful moment waiting on the horizon.