Not sure what to set as your goal for 2017? Here are a few ideas just to get you started!:
1. Travel to at least 3 new places
2. Travel to a new country
3. Eat at a new restaurant once a month (preferably something that's not a chain)
4. Try one new food every week
5. Read at least 7 books throughout the year
6. Try at least 10 Pins from anyone of your boards on Pinterest
7. Save at least $1000.00
8. Say or do one kind thing for someone you don't know every day
9. Wake up earlier, early enough that you can eat breakfast and get ready at your own pace
10. Think more about what you say before you say it and only let positive things leave your mouth
11. Keep a pen pal for the whole year
12. Master one new language of your choice
13. Keep above a 3.5 GPA
14. Make more time for friends and family than you have in the past
15. Get organized (whatever that means to you )
16. Do some sort of charity work at least twice a month
17. Pick new skill to learn and be proficient at it by 12/31/16
18. Turn in everything (work, school or otherwise) on time or early
19. Be kind
20. Stop using bad language
21. Go to the gym AT LEAST 3 times a week
22. Learn about another religion (preferably one you have unnecessary biases towards)
23. Make the people closest to you know how important they are on a daily basis
24. Stop judging people
25. Get more sleep
26. Stop Drinking Soda
27. Stop eating fast food
28. Stop procrastinating
29. Work out and stick to a budget
30. Keep your checkbook balanced
31. Take good care of your health (mental, emotional, physical, dental, optical, whatever you need to do)
32. Take a road trip with your closest friends
33. Cut out all unnecessary monthly expenses
34. Watch less television
35. Go to at least 3 concerts
36. Recycle more
37. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin
38. Stop letting people treat you poorly
39. Stand up for yourself
40. Learn to trust your gut
41. Get a tattoo
42. Get a piercing
43. Learn to stay off your phone and enjoy the moment and people around you
44. Try out 6 new recipes
45. Learn to curb your temper before it gets out of hand
46. Find a job you like and stay there
47. Spend an entire week technology free
48. Go to church more
49 Stop biting your nails
50. Call your mom more
51. Go vegetarian for a month