To my internet friends,
I wanted to take the time to say thank you. Thank you for being some of the best friends that I have in my life. Whether we live states apart or in two different continents, you are always there and never judge anything I say or do. Sure we have different opinions on many things, but that never puts a dent in our friendship. Thank you for fangirling with me over literally everything our favorite celebrities do, no matter what time it is. Thank you for giving me a chance to explore. Visiting you in your hometowns is always fascinating to me. Some of you live in places I didn’t even know existed until I met you. Thank you for inspiring me. We have all gone through our own types of struggles in our life but together, we overcome it. Thank you for blowing up my phone. I cannot tell you the countless amount of times people will tell me “Your phone is going crazy!” “Wow you must be popular!” Nope, it’s just my friends freaking out over a new music video. Thank you for making me laugh way too hard. They say you add years onto your life by laughing. I’m pretty sure you guys have me living until I am 100 years old. Thank you for being weird. Even though we don’t see each other all the time, we can still be ourselves. From constant Miranda Sings impressions to ugly selfies, we have definitely been there, done that. Thank you for being the ultimate concert buddies. Who else would cry 30 times during one show with me? Thank you for teaching me. You teach me something new everyday. Connecting with people who have experienced different things in life really teaches you how amazing life can be. Thank you for letting me rant. Lord knows every day is not perfect for neither you or me, but I am relieved I have someone like you to tolerate my multiple messages within a minute about something that made me want to explode. Thank you for helping me. From Instagram selfies to helping calm my anxiety, you have been a part of it all. Thank you for being honest. It is so hard to find someone honest now a days, but you definitely do not mind. Whether I am being annoying or said something stupid, you let me know even if it’s a message as simple as “ gtg.” Thank you for being my Tim Gunn. You give me great fashion advice and prevent me from going out in public looking like a baked potato. Thank you for reminding me I am worth it. Sometimes I lack to see the beauty within myself, but I can always count on you to remind me how beautiful and worthy of life I am. Thank you for showing me he is not worth it. Boy troubles are a normal part of teenage life but when you have friends like you, it makes it a little easier to wait for my prince charming. Last but not least, Thank you for loving me as much as I love you. I cannot count my blessings enough that the one post, tweet, random group chat led me to you.