It’s easy to blame yourself when the world doesn’t see you right, but the problem isn’t you. The world’s so full of fog, and clear vision is rare. Like a pair of brand new frames, kissing the bridge of my nose for the first, you allow me to see things from a different perspective. I believe you were put on this earth to hold hands with me as we guide each other through this crazy thing called life. The blind leading the blind, over the edge of a cliff with hellacious smiles on our faces. Always up to no good in the best and worst of ways. Twenty-one was fun, new, and exciting, but brought forth questions that weigh down on your chest at night: How do you want to be recognized? How can you make yourself known? How do you want to be seen?
I can’t speak from anyone else’s perspective, I don’t know how they view you. From my perspective, I see you as the sister that I had always begged my mother for. You weren’t delivered to my doorstep in a basket weaved from wood but a dark purple and light blue Vera Bradley wallet with an MVSU valley key chain. Drawn to each other like magnets, standing on a platform built by the token black girl from a private school background who was stuck at the school in the middle of nowhere, destined to empty personal-sized bottles of jack and always counting down the days until they could go back home for break.
I see you as someone who has changed in the best way possible. I also see you as someone who hasn’t changed at all. You are both. You are warm and kind; yet chilling and sharp. You’re this mixture of things that constantly keeps me and others in awe. Your drive is overwhelming even when you sigh into the phone, telling me you have work to do but you’re elbow deep in something other than work.
A creative mind connected to creative hands that deliver mind-blowing pieces of art and work. A swimmer yet a protector of all hair kinky and coiled. Almost full to the brim with whiskey and smoke yet can undress someone with the facts about a healthy vegan lifestyle, you’re my favorite walking contradiction.
You’re my favorite example of someone that’s perfectly imperfect.
I know you have your days but even your hardest trials and tribulations make you shine. The strength you think has left you is still in you, it’s shimmering underneath your skin and just waiting on you reach down and pull it out.
It’s like we have our own special dance when we talk. We text about one thing but when are on the phone we slip into each other and hold on tight, like a safety blanket after a long drunk night.
I cannot express to you how much I admire and love you and I am so glad that God has blessed you to see another year, a year that I can feel will be full of blessings upon blessings.
You are one talented and gifted woman, Malinda Moore, and I am so honored to call you my best friend. I am so honored to have watched you grow and evolve and I cannot wait to see what the world has in store for you and what you have in store for the world.
You are a never ending blessing, a cherished present, and I love you with all of my heart.
Happy Birthday, Mindy!