Words cannot describe the tragedy that has cast a shadowy cloud over the city of Paris. The recent attacks have taken around 100 lives. 100 lives snuffed out in an instant due to senseless acts of violence. 100 lives that could have brought so much potential to the world. 100 plus families and friends that must grieve for their loved ones. 100 dead, and even more injured and taken hostage. The city of love feels heartache today for the fallen, the broken, and the mourning.
Violence, especially mass acts of violence such as this, are incomprehensible; who could commit something so heinous? Who could inflict such misery on others? The last time Paris experienced such a mass act of terror was in January of this year with Charlie Hebdo. 12 writers were attacked for exercising their freedom of speech. The world was shocked and heartbroken. Many were asking the same questions we’re asking now; the answers, however, were not clear then. Even now, there doesn't seem to be an overarching reason behind these attacks (as far as we are aware of). As we often find, sometimes there is no sensible answer or solution for situations such as this.
It is also situations such as this that remind the world how connected we are. Not only has Paris been attacked, but the world has been attacked as well. I have seen countless Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts of people speaking about their magical experiences in Paris and describing the pain they feel upon seeing this beautiful city ravaged. Paris speaks to humanity as a place of ingenuity, connectedness, and love.
To see a threat to love and humanity has made such a profound impact on everyone. Even I, who lives thousands of miles away from Paris, feel as though my own hometown has been invaded and violated. I feel utter grief for the loss of innocent lives in such brutal manners.
As we seek to find the truth behind these attacks, remember to not point the finger of blame at one another, but to reach out a hand of concern and comfort. It is easy to find a scapegoat to blame, but by doing this, we only create division amongst ourselves. Division and resentment are the last response we need to what has transpired. Hatred and blind rage can turn us into lesser versions of ourselves if we succumb to it. But we are stronger than that; we are capable of compassion, friendship, solidarity, and most importantly, love.
Let Parisians, French, and the world alike unite together both in memorandum of the lives lost and as a testament of peace and love. Together we can overcome this tragedy and work to bring the perpetrators responsible to justice. We can find ways to bring peace to this chaotic world. We are one, not just for today, but tomorrow and the days after that. Tonight and forever more, the world will always lift you up, Paris, whenever someone tries to strike you down.