Thanksgiving is the forgotten holiday that just happens to separate Halloween and Christmas. It's a day where we do our best to forget any bad in the world and give thanks to whoever you believe in that you are here, you have food and you are happy. Here's the problem though: shouldn't this happen every day? Why do we designate one day a year to exclaim all of our thankfulness and then walk through the rest of the year complaining about everything we DON'T have?
One of my favorite professors once told us that grateful people are happy people. It really is as simple as that. If we are grateful every day, no matter what happens, we will be happier. It doesn't mean that you have to go around thanking someone for being rude to you. We are all human and I accept that bad things happen and reacting to these things is part of what makes us human. That being said, we should not look to criticize absolutely everything that happens in our lives.
Living gratefully is something we get told often, yet too often we think of it at cliché. Around this time of year if you ask someone what they're thankful for, people may shrug and give you a short generic response. It's become a part of the season instead of something we all do year round.
Right now, I can think of plenty I have to be thankful for. I have a family who loves me and supports me. They believe in me enough to send me to an amazing school and allow me to do what I love. I am surrounded with music and musicians every day that push me to learn and continue to grow. My friends, both here and at home who I hold close to my heart. For the technology that I have at my fingertips, so that I can talk to people who live 400 miles away, or do simple things to entertain myself.
Gratefulness is not something we should compact into one day a year. Many have already come to realize this, and if you haven't I ask you to think about it. Between food and family this next week, think about everything you have that someone else may not have. We all should give thanks every single day. Maybe it won't change the world instantly, but it could change your world over time.