Respect is a big deal.
And although I cannot say that I respect everyone in every way shape and form, I can also say that no one truly does: and that's okay. I have always believed that there was a fine line between respecting people and being respectful in general. I agree that most common curtsies of respect should be given, however there is another level of respect that will always be earned.
College is a true test of respect. Whether it's respecting others property or respecting the differing views of someone, it is vital to maintain respect for all parties involved. Being respectful is something that I, like many of my friends, were raised on the values of. It is important to treat everyone you encounter with respect because you never know who you are truly interacting with. The thought of reaching out with respect goes past the idea of respect your elders, and reaches to all people and creatures that walk the earth. Respect is necessary in any and all relationships.
Like many people, I have encountered many people who lack general respect. Rather than see where another side is coming from, these people, are quick to judge and have a disregard for others ideas and feelings. I have seen it time and time again where people fight over little things that can be solved by respecting the opposing viewpoint. Friendships ruined, lives changed, and people generally upset is not what anyone deserves or needs. Especially through the election process, there is a blatant disregard for other opinions and the feelings of others. This is a reoccurring theme that likes to poke its head around during elections, but it can be seen in every day life as well.
I find it interesting to imagine a life full of respect. The idea seems too good to be true, because it is, and always will be. I know that there will always be people who are set in their ways, and that is okay, I respect their decision to do so. However, to the people who believe that the world could use a little respect, I ask everyone to take a step back from the ideas and principles they have known and just look at someone's perspective that differs your own. Give people a chance. If that is too much to ask, I would just like the idea of common courtesy to be outreached to everyone you encounter. There is a lot of hate in this world, and getting caught in the little things is not helping anyone. Some level of respect should be given to everyone, all day, everyday. We're all humans and we're all in this together.