College is supposed to be this new and exciting approach to life you know? A fresh start with the capability to learn about personal independence and all that crap. Want to know something though? College to me was supposed to be this complete shift from high school where I would be able to choose what I want to learn about and there is choice to an extent. I guess I'm disappointed and I feel let down with the results of this "freedom" we call college. I mean I'm still struggling with math when I want to do nothing with that subject and if you're going to make it mandatory at least force me to take a math class that will actually benefit me in life like accounting or something- just saying. And to force me to take science and history... really? My major is English with a Music minor so explain to me why I need to learn about how blood flows in my heart? I sort of see the history thing you know cause it goes along pretty heavily with my major, but like I said, if you're going to make a class like that mandatory maybe we should be learning about our government and how it works because most of my generation at least, including myself, lacks in that area if knowledge.
I suppose what I'm trying to say here is that high school seems so forced and you go into college thinking you can do whatever you want because it's the basis for your personal life until they throw the gen-eds in your face and say "You sucked at math in high school? Try it in college, you'll fail even more miserably."
I just don't understand the point. I sit in a math class, I learn what I need to know for the exam and then I forget all of it anyways so explain to me the point. Why am I paying for a class that I not only don't want to take, but don't need to take? Why should I have to force myself to a class just because it's required?
College to me was supposed to be this free experience, a feeling of finally being excited to go to class you know? And I do get excited to go to my English and music classes because those are my interests. And I'm sure people who have science or math as a major feel the same about their lack of interest going to a British literature class because I can absolutely see how they feel that that is pointless for their futures- because it is.
I think college needs to be re-evaluated and I think that students should have more control over their path in their college career. The basics are important, but isn't that what high school was supposedly for? And if I'm paying for this education then shouldn't I have say in what I want to put this money towards? Because I can tell you for damn sure that the quadratic formula will never help me in my hopes to become a Gothic Literature professor- I mean unless Edgar Allan Poe has a sudden interest in algebra...