Exhaustion: a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue; a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue. This is the one word every college student understands whether it is working three jobs to pay tuition, staying up late working on a 20-page paper or pulling an all-night study session, exhaustion will become your life. It’s a college life for us.
There are times you will want to give up and throw in the towel. You will look at the lists of “to dos” and the lists of “completed” and the lists of “to dos” are a mile high. We all have a million things going on in our lives. We all go through rough moments where exhaustion seems to become our norm.
There are ways to survive these crazy, exhaustion filled days and nights. I have five simple tips on things you can do to feel better when you do have a rough, exhausting day/night/week etc. These might seem obvious but we all need a reminder to care for ourselves when exhaustion sets in.
1. Rest when you can. If you know you’re going to pull a long shift at work or have a big paper to write, take a good 90-minute sleep cycle nap. You will need it.
2. Eat as healthy as you can. Junk foods are not your friend. Have an energy packed fresh fruit smoothie or fresh fruits and vegetables.
3. I know, sugar is the right way to do an all-nighter or wake up to get your day started… not. Stay away from candy and sodas altogether. The sugar will crash your system and sodas will dehydrate you. Stick to water and yes, coffee. Coffee does dehydrate you a little but as long as you keep drinking water as well you should be fine, and the caffeine boost is needed.
4. If you find yourself falling asleep but you really need to stay awake, take a hot shower to relax your muscles, and then turn it cold to wake you up.
5. This is really going to sound crazy, but after your all-nighter, classes and work, go for a run or take some time to do some physical activity. As soon as you’re done take a shower and go straight to bed. The exercise will release any stress you may have had and you will sleep deeper, helping to get rid of some exhaustion.
There is hope. I just want to remind you guys that the hard work, late nights, and tears of frustration are worth it. We are all working to the same goal, a degree to build the career of our dreams upon and a life of completeness. Sometimes we all need to be reminded that the struggles we are going through are worth it and that there are ways we can survive. Keep your mind set on positivity and just know you can make it!
Until next time,
Megs ;*