Last week I woke up with a sore throat. “Oh no” I thought to myself, "I can’t be getting sick. There’s no way." I used to only get sick once or twice a year, but that's when I was living at home in a controlled, germ-free environment. Now, suddenly, I’m living with other people in a dorm where our floor shares vents with each other. We are basically breathing each other’s air 24/7 (yum). I had been surrounded by people in my classes blowing their noses, coughing up lungs and barely having voices. I couldn’t believe that these people were coming to class. Like, if you’re so sick, stay in your room! Sleep! Though, I slowly began to realize why they were coming to class.
In college, at least at the school that I go to, we only get two absences per semester for each class, and if you’re like me, you like to save those for when you really need them. I am now one of those students going to class while sick, being told by friends to go rest up and sleep, but when you’re busy like me and like to get things done, that's never an option. This week, I have been forcing myself to get out of bed for my early classes and sitting in my 8 a.m. lectures with a pressure-filled head and a congested nose. Daydreaming about the days of being sick in high school, spending the day at home in bed while my mom would make me tea and soup. Flashback and I'm suddenly in my second class of the day, ready to go to bed, which I won’t be able to do for another 11 hours.
After four days of congestion and a very sore throat, I took myself to the health center on campus. When I was seen, I had one of those lovely tongue depressors pushed down my throat; I'll never understand how those help or test anything, really. After minimal testing, I was told that I might have an upper respiratory virus and what could be called a sinus infection, but not really. I was told to go buy over-the-counters and that I don’t even really need them; my body can fight this alone. If my body could fight this on it’s own, I shouldn’t be sick for what is slowly becoming a week. Also, as a public service announcement, if you ever buy Afrin like I did, do not put the red cap back on after you use it for the first time. It is a child lock cap which is usually fine, but this one is very extra. I couldn’t open it for the life of me, nor could I cut it open, so I was only able to use it once. Okay, rant over. The Afrin got me a little heated. I apologize for that.
Overall, the second you start to feel symptoms of illness and you live in a college dorm, take all necessary precautions. Take lots of Emergen-C, or if that's not your style, drink lots of water and orange juice and WASH YOUR HANDS. You don’t want to be responsible for getting all of your roommates and friends sick, trust me, they will hold it against you.