Millennials: the generation of people who are considered lazy, who expect everything to be given to them, and who are only concerned about their smartphones and other technology.
Why were Millennials given such a bad reputation when the oldest one of them is roughly 33 years old? How badly could this generation damage the world in 33 years?
This generation seems to be the one that is affected by the poor choices made in the years before them.
Millennials will struggle more in society than the generations before them. With the economic problems of this time, Millennials will have a harder time finding jobs. The generations before Millennials were fortunate enough to have inexpensive college education, when the young generation is estimated to be in debt from their education for 15 to 18 years.
Because student loans and other debts from college take almost 20 years to completely pay off, this generation is holding back from other life experiences.
Millennials are waiting to get married, buy homes, and have children because they don't have any money saved to start these life milestones. As Millennials are not putting money into the economy, it is becoming more damaged than it already was from previous generations.
But hey, Millennials just take selfies, right?
Millennials were not born into a thriving society like their parents were. Their education was not this expensive, their environment was not destroyed, and their economy wasn't dwindling.
Millennials have more responsibility than the Baby Boomers; a generation that was named because everyone decided to have lots of sex and have lots of children because they were financially stable enough to support having a child. If only the Millennials were credited as much as the Baby Boomers were for their sex habits, then maybe they wouldn't be the generation that everyone hated.
But they are only credited for the development of social media and the ability to connect to audiences all over the world by a phone the size of an index card. What a useless generation, right?
Wrong again.
Millennials are the generation of innovation. They break down gender roles, they are the most diverse generation, they value education and culture, and they seek achievement, like all generations before them.
To call an entire generation lazy and self-centered is unacceptable in this day and age. Millennials are the generation of intelligence and vision.
But if you don't believe this generation is creative, their Instagrams and Vines will speak for themselves.