What is the meaning of life? I think we have all thought about this question at one time or another in our lives. There is no single right answer, but there are sources that influence our opinions on life itself.
For some the meaning of life could stem from philosophical or religious beliefs. For others, it might spring from living vicariously through someone or something else. There is no question that the meaning of life is subjective. The real question is how does one successfully accomplish life itself? How can purpose, fulfillment and satisfaction in life be sustained?
I have chased different things in my life, thinking that in them I would find meaning. Humans as a whole, naturally seek a solution to life. Sometimes these voyages are guided by those around us — our families, the media, materialistic objects. Other times we take things on by ourselves. Some of our pursuits include business success, wealth, good relationships, sex, entertainment and doing good to others. However, when we accomplish these feats, why do we still crave more? Friends of mine, and me included, have achieved goals of wealth, relationships and pleasure. But at the end of the day, there was still a deep void inside, a feeling of emptiness that nothing seemed to fill. Don't get me wrong there are short-term solutions to finding fulfillment. They get the job done, yet they are temporary fixes.
Although, there is not one simple answer, there is a formula that transcends this question entirely. The meaning in life is self-defined. There is no limit to what you can do. Living life is ultimately your choice and free will is undeniably present. What you really want to seek in life is joy. Happiness comes and goes, but joys lasts. There are some known ingredients to joy that can help guide your life into the right direction. For example, love and transcendence (with or without religion) are crucial. Living for others is equally important. There is nothing more rewarding than deviating from your innate selfish ways to live for a cause bigger than yourself. Another thing that fuels joy is adapting to situations you may find yourself in. Do not question where life takes you, but rather question how you can make the most of life in whichever predicament you find yourself in. Lastly, balance is essential to finding significance. Keep yourself in check and do not compromise your joy.