What is the key to being a good friend? Being there for each other for S.O.S. phone calls in the middle of the night? Staying loyal in spite of every guy fight and bickering road trips? What about knowing the real you, having things in common, or even being comfortable with raiding your fridge without asking?
Personally, I think a good friend is one who is honest. When I am doing something wrong, I want to be told (in a nice way of course) that I am walking down the wrong path. I believe a great friend is one who can stand up to me, even though they know that action may compromise our relationship. My well being is put before his or her own security with me, and I will always honor that.
Now, what is the key to a great friendship? There are so many aspects to make a friendship a solid one. Just like a relationship, a great friendship is a two-way street. Both opinions matter and no single individual stands above the other, no matter the circumstances. Far too many times I have heard that one friend is always "looking up to the other" without it being mutual. When it is not mutual, that means the other friend is looking down (according to logic).
My closest, most valued friendships are the ones where we always go to each other equally in need. I do not look up to the point where they look down, and vice versa. They have cried on my shoulder and I have left tear-stains on theirs'. These are the friendships that I will do anything to keep.
Beyond those friends I interact with and see almost on a daily basis, I also have a few I rarely see - or even talk to - at all. This does not mean they are not great friends and it also does not make me any less of a good support system. They are the people who I have not come in contact with for the past five years but our friendship is still there. When I was in grammar school I had an amazing friend, Melody, who was there through thick and thin. We were both the odd-balls out in the classroom so instead of tiptoeing through middle school timid and alone we decided to team up and battle those crazy years together. We spent every day together in school and out. She was that friend that had no problem saying she disagreed with my actions. When we graduated, we called a few times a year. Then, it just stopped. But I know if I picked up the phone and called her right now, we'd be able to easily pick up right where we left off.
Friendships are common. We all have them. But what makes them so special is that very few are amazing. Very few last forever, like Melody's and mine. So if you find yourself so lucky as to be in a friendship like that, pick up the phone and call; because amazing friends can stop time.