My generation is one of the most free-spirited, well-educated and self-aware groups of young people in history. Yet most of the time we're also the most paranoid, and there are many fears that invade our thoughts on a daily basis. We deal with the fear of missing out, the fear of not being accepted, the fear of never reaching our potential, even the fear of clowns. Congratulations 2016, you've outdone yourself again. It's so easy for millennials to be crippled by insecurities when we're constantly stressed about what the future will hold.
When most people talk about FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), they use it casually in reference to social situations. In reality, though, the things I'm afraid of missing are often much more important, even life-changing. What if I miss out on dating the person I'm supposed to be with? What if I accept a job in the wrong location? What if I study abroad, and everyone back home moves on without me?
The truth is, you will miss some chances. You'll blow an opportunity which at the time was your best option. You'll travel and watch your friends move on without you. But you will NEVER miss the plan that has already been set out for your life. You'll never miss the moments you're meant to be in. And in order to be fully present in those moments, you need to let go of the past. The chances you didn't take made room for the opportunities you have now, and you are being led by a perfect and loving God toward the purpose for which you were created.
Millennials, now is the time to take action. Rest in the fact that God has planned every moment of your future, but run confidently toward your goals. Never let the fear of missing out stop you from taking important chances or making the decisions you believe are right. The people who are meant to be in your life will wait for you to explore your options and follow your heart. They won't literally wait around -- they'll move on and change, but so will you. When you return, the people who matter will be ready to get to know you again and pick up friendships where you left them.
If the things you're involved in and the people you spend time with making your FOMO worse, maybe it's time for a change. Surround yourself with friends who encourage you and who believe you can succeed, even if that means you have to make hard decisions or travel far away. Millennials: this is the time in life when we have the most freedom to take chances, so let's seize the moment and chase our dreams fearlessly.