This is an article for anyone who needs it, deserves it, or needs to be reminded of how AMAZING they are. I hope by the end of this you feel lifted up and great. So here it is, 500 words of encouragement.
Well for starters have you been reminded how AWESOME you are? I mean whoever is reading this, you are the definition of awesome. If you looked up the definition of awesome, there would be a photo of you. Oh, and another thing you are THE COOLEST person ever! People may not always see it, but I just know you are. You’re SPECTACULAR in every humanly possible. From your head to your toe, you THE BOMB! In all honesty, awesome is an understatement when describing you.
To continue on this journey of encouragement, you are such a BLESSING to everyone around you. People are so grateful to have someone like you in their lives. You always bring something WONDERFUL to the table. From your personality to your quirks, people LOVE you! I may not know you personally, but I am so sure that all these statements are true about you! I can assure you that you are someone enjoys having in their lives. I said it once and I’ll say it again, you’re pretty AMAZING.
I hope you didn’t think that we were done, you’re WORTH so much. I mean you are worth more that rubies. I hope you know that you are worthy of everything BEAUTIFUL in your life. You are worthy of LOVE and affection. Do you know how much you are worth? You are worth more than the number of stars in the sky, I mean you have someone who would die for you. Jesus died and would die all over again for you. I mean if that doesn’t tell you how much you are loved and worth, then I do know what will! Your worth surpasses any gem, any amount of money, any earthy thing. I mean it’s safe to say that you are royalty in His eyes.
Finally, let me tell you this. You HEART is the most AMAZING thing you have, so flaunt it. Love those around you deeply with it. You heart is was makes those fall in love with you and everything about it is amazing. Wear your heart on your sleeve, I promise you that someone will ADORE it. I can promise you that the one who is for you, they will admire your pure and beautiful heart. I speak to those who don’t know how BEAUTIFUL their heart its. Your heart is what makes you magnificent and wonderful in so many ways.
To wrap this all up, I hope you leave here feeling encouraged, and my request is that you never let anyone make you feel less than what you are. You are something that can only be you, don’t let anyone take that away from you. I hope you know how PRECIOUS you are, please don’t forget it.