A few weeks ago I mentioned the song "Too Good" by Drake and Rihanna. Well thanks to my new student discount Apple music subscription I have been able to listen to a lot more music. (Seriously, at 5 dollars a month relatively short sign up time it's a steal). Not only that, but I've been listening to music on repeat due to the fact that the repeat feature is both on automatically and seamlessly transitions between the songs. All this is to say "Too Good" has been playing on my Ipone endlessly.
Almost automatically I discovered a problem with it. Musically it's unique: it reminds me of those weird remixes of HR Puffinstuff clips I watched on Youtube when I was younger. Lyrically though, it falls apart. It starts with the narrator admitting he doesn't know how to talk to his girlfriend or be there for her. His absolute failure to meaningfully put effort into his relationship causes him to loose patience with his girlfriend (for some reason he blames her for his utter lack of concern), and gets high as kite (repeating the myth that intoxicated somehow leads to a deep revelation because "it allows you to cut through your bull sh*t social facade man!").
This is a myth that fails to realize that as social creatures a lot of our interactions are based on the "facade" that is developed through our interactions with other people. That's why, in real life you frequently hear stories about people who accidentally ruin important relationships in their altered states precisely because they lost the ability to properly filter what they should say and ended up saying something, arguably "truer " to their "real" selves but also clumsy and offensive.
However, that is neither here nor there, and suddenly comes to a relationship changing conclusion. He (ya know, the person who puts zero effort into the relationship) does way too much to keep the relationship a float. Really, he is way too good for her! She shouldn't take all the things he does for her for granted. Yeah! After all he... has no idea what she needs or how to provide for those needs... yeah.
He then mutters something to the effect of "time goes by so fast ..." Sure bud, "How long have we been together?" Wait! Hold up! Hit the E brake! You don't know how long you two have been together for? Dude! you can even just spitball it? You even give a vague answer? That's how little you care!? I assumed your tone was disgust and apathy... but have you just been sleeping this whole time? "Too Good" is a song that sounds good the first time, but falls apart on repeated listens.