High school is over. You've graduated and everyone that you have known for so long is moving apart. So the question is now what? How do you go about not seeing these people every day? But more concerning, how do you go about it when you finally do see them again?
First things first, if we went to school together, please please please come over and talk to me. I don't care if we never even talked in high school, let's talk now. Life after graduation is full of ever-changing events, so it is refreshing to see a familiar face. Tell me what you've been up to, how life is going, anything at all. I want to hear about everything. I understand it might be awkward at first starting a conversation with some random person you barely knew in high school - trust me I know, I can be an awkward person - but please still do it.
You might end up feeling comforted by having a conversation with someone who already knows who you are, I know I always do. However, if we don't live in the same town but you have something you want to talk about, do not hesitate to reach out. Seriously, I'd love to chat, and I'm sure most others do too. Better yet, if we don't live in the same town but you are passing through and you want to meet up or if you have a question, tell me! I would be happy to.
Seeing old classmates from high school can be pretty awkward, but it doesn't have to be! I understand maybe we weren't best friends, but who cares? Unspoken social circles don't exist past high school, so don't let them. Do not be that person who is "stuck in high school". And for the love of all things, if you see me, or any classmate from high school, do not pretend you do not see me. If you really don't want to talk or if you don't have the time, just give me a polite smile. That's it. Quick, easy, and painless.
Everyone has a different high school experience, but you will always have a unique bond with those you went through it. When you move past high school everything changes and you begin to appreciate the nostalgia a little more. Yeah, I have the feels now too. Bring it in, "Friends" style.